Source code for

import logging
import itertools

import pandas as pd

import openpathsampling as paths
from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import StorableNamedObject
import openpathsampling.volume
import openpathsampling.ensemble

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def index_to_string(index):
    n_underscore = index / 26
    letter_value = index % 26
    mystr = "_"*n_underscore + chr(65+letter_value)
    return mystr

[docs]class TransitionNetwork(StorableNamedObject): """ Subclasses of TransitionNetwork are the main way to set up calculations Attributes ---------- sampling_ensembles all_ensembles sampling_transitions """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(TransitionNetwork, self).__init__()
@property def sampling_ensembles(self): """ Ensembles from the sampling transitions, excluding special ensembles. """ return sum([t.ensembles for t in self.sampling_transitions], []) @property def analysis_ensembles(self): """ Ensembles from the analysis transitions, excluding special ensembles. """ return sum([t.ensembles for t in self.transitions.values()], []) @property def all_ensembles(self): """ All ensembles in the sampling transitions, including special ensembles. """ all_ens = self.sampling_ensembles for special_dict in self.special_ensembles.values(): all_ens.extend(special_dict.keys()) return all_ens @property def sampling_transitions(self): """The transitions used in sampling""" try: return self._sampling_transitions except AttributeError: return None
class GeneralizedTPSNetwork(TransitionNetwork): """General class for TPS-based method. The main differences between fixed-length and flexible-length TPS is a small change in the ensemble. In implementation, this means that they use different transition classes, and that they have slightly different function signatures (fixed-length requires a length argument). To simplify this, and to make the docstrings readable, we make each class into a simple subclass of this GeneralizedTPSNetwork, which acts as an abstract class that manages most of the relevant code. Parameters ---------- initial_states : list of :class:`.Volume` acceptable initial states final_states : list of :class:`.Volume` acceptable final states allow_self_transitions : bool whether self-transitions (A->A) are allowed; default is False Attributes ---------- TransitionType : :class:`paths.Transition` Type of transition used here. Sets, for example, fixed or flexible pathlengths. """ TransitionType = NotImplemented def __init__(self, initial_states, final_states, allow_self_transitions=False, **kwargs): # **kwargs gets passed to the transition super(GeneralizedTPSNetwork, self).__init__() try: iter(initial_states) except TypeError: initial_states = [initial_states] try: iter(final_states) except TypeError: final_states = [final_states] self.special_ensembles = {None : {}} self.initial_states = initial_states self.final_states = final_states all_initial = paths.join_volumes(initial_states) if len(initial_states) > 1: = "|".join([ for v in initial_states]) if set(initial_states) == set(final_states) or len(final_states) == 1: all_final = all_initial else: all_final = paths.join_volumes(final_states) = "|".join([ for v in final_states]) self._sampling_transitions = [] for my_initial in initial_states: my_final_states = [final for final in final_states if my_initial != final or allow_self_transitions] my_final = paths.join_volumes(my_final_states) if len(my_final_states) > 1: = "|".join([ for v in my_final_states]) if len(self._sampling_transitions) == 0: self._sampling_transitions = [ self.TransitionType(my_initial, my_final, **kwargs) ] elif len(self._sampling_transitions) == 1: self._sampling_transitions[0].add_transition(my_initial, my_final) else: raise RuntimeError("More than one sampling transition for TPS?") self.transitions = { (initial, final) : self.TransitionType(initial, final, **kwargs) for (initial, final) in itertools.product(initial_states, final_states) if initial != final } def to_dict(self): ret_dict = { 'transitions' : self.transitions, 'x_sampling_transitions' : self._sampling_transitions, } return ret_dict @property def all_states(self): """list of all initial and final states""" return list(set(self.initial_states + self.final_states)) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct): network = cls.__new__(cls) super(GeneralizedTPSNetwork, network).__init__() network._sampling_transitions = dct['x_sampling_transitions'] network.transitions = dct['transitions'] return network @classmethod def from_state_pairs(cls, state_pairs, **kwargs): sampling = [] transitions = {} initial_states = [] final_states = [] for (initial, final) in state_pairs: initial_states += [initial] final_states += [final] if len(sampling) == 1: sampling[0].add_transition(initial, final) elif len(sampling) == 0: sampling = [cls.TransitionType(initial, final, **kwargs)] else: raise RuntimeError("More than one sampling transition for TPS?") transitions[(initial, final)] = cls.TransitionType(initial, final, **kwargs) dict_result = { 'x_sampling_transitions' : sampling, 'transitions' : transitions } dict_result.update(kwargs) network = cls.from_dict(dict_result) network.initial_states = initial_states network.final_states = final_states return network @classmethod def from_states_all_to_all(cls, states, allow_self_transitions=False, **kwargs): return cls(states, states, allow_self_transitions=allow_self_transitions, **kwargs)
[docs]class TPSNetwork(GeneralizedTPSNetwork): """ Class for flexible pathlength TPS networks (2-state or multiple state). """ TransitionType = paths.TPSTransition # we implement these functions entirely to fix the signature (super's # version allow arbitrary kwargs) so the documentation can read them.
[docs] def __init__(self, initial_states, final_states, allow_self_transitions=False): super(TPSNetwork, self).__init__(initial_states, final_states, allow_self_transitions)
@classmethod def from_state_pairs(cls, state_pairs, allow_self_transitions=False): return super(TPSNetwork, cls).from_state_pairs(state_pairs) @classmethod def from_states_all_to_all(cls, states, allow_self_transitions=False): return super(TPSNetwork, cls).from_states_all_to_all( states, allow_self_transitions )
[docs]class FixedLengthTPSNetwork(GeneralizedTPSNetwork): """ Class for fixed pathlength TPS networks (2-states or multiple states). """ TransitionType = paths.FixedLengthTPSTransition # as with TPSNetwork, we don't really need to add these functions. # However, without them, we need to explicitly name `length` as # length=value in these functions. This frees us of that, and gives us # clearer documentation.
[docs] def __init__(self, initial_states, final_states, length, allow_self_transitions=False): super(FixedLengthTPSNetwork, self).__init__( initial_states, final_states, allow_self_transitions=allow_self_transitions, length=length )
@classmethod def from_state_pairs(cls, state_pairs, length): return super(FixedLengthTPSNetwork, cls).from_state_pairs( state_pairs, length=length ) @classmethod def from_states_all_to_all(cls, states, length, allow_self_transitions=False): return super(FixedLengthTPSNetwork, cls).from_states_all_to_all( states=states, allow_self_transitions=allow_self_transitions, length=length )
class TISNetwork(TransitionNetwork): # NOTE: this is an abstract class with several properties used by many # TIS-based networks # TODO: most of the analysis stuff should end up in here; the bigger # differences are in setup, not analysis def __init__(self): super(TISNetwork, self).__init__() # this should check to build the replica exchange network. If the # number of neighbors at any station is more than 2, we can't do # "normal" replica flow -- instead produce a network graph. Or, # actually, ALWAYS produce a network graph (although this will be a # feature to implement later) def from_transitions(self, transitions, interfaces=None): # this will have to be disabled until I can do something # better with it pass @property def minus_ensembles(self): return self.special_ensembles['minus'].keys() @property def ms_outers(self): return self.special_ensembles['ms_outer'].keys() @property def all_states(self): return list(set(self.initial_states + self.final_states)) #def join_mis_minus(minuses): #pass #def msouter_state_switching(mstis, steps):
[docs]class MSTISNetwork(TISNetwork): """ Multiple state transition interface sampling network. The way this works is that it sees two effective sets of transitions. First, there are sampling transitions. These are based on ensembles which go to any final state. Second, there are analysis transitions. These are based on ensembles which go to a specific final state. Sampling is done using the sampling transitions. Sampling transitions are stored in the `from_state[state]` dictionary. For MSTIS, the flux and total crossing probabilities are independent of the final state, and so the analysis calculates them in the sampling transitions, and copies the results into the analysis transitions. This way flux and total crossing probably are only calculated once per interface set. The conditional transition probability depends on the final state, so it (and the rate) are calculated using the analysis transitions. The analysis transitions are obtained using `.transition[(stateA, stateB)]`. """ def to_dict(self): ret_dict = { 'from_state' : self.from_state, 'states' : self.states, 'special_ensembles' : self.special_ensembles, 'trans_info' : self.trans_info } return ret_dict @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct): network = cls.__new__(cls) # replace automatically created attributes with stored ones network.from_state = dct['from_state'] network.special_ensembles = dct['special_ensembles'] network.states = dct['states'] network.__init__( trans_info=dct['trans_info'] ) return network
[docs] def __init__(self, trans_info): """ Creates MSTISNetwork, including interfaces. Parameters ---------- trans_info : list of tuple Details of each state-based ensemble set. 3-tuple in the order (state, interfaces, orderparameter) where state is a Volume, interfaces is a list of Volumes, and orderparameters is a CollectiveVariable """ super(MSTISNetwork, self).__init__() self.trans_info = trans_info # build sampling transitions if not hasattr(self, "from_state"): self.special_ensembles = {} self.from_state = {} self.build_fromstate_transitions(trans_info) self._sampling_transitions = self.from_state.values() # by default, we set assign these values to all ensembles self.hist_args = {} self.transitions = {} self.build_analysis_transitions()
@property def all_states(self): return self.states def build_analysis_transitions(self): # set up analysis transitions (not to be saved) for stateA in self.from_state.keys(): state_index = self.states.index(stateA) fromA = self.from_state[stateA] other_states = self.states[:state_index]+self.states[state_index+1:] for stateB in other_states: trans = paths.TISTransition( stateA=stateA, stateB=stateB, interfaces=fromA.interfaces, name=str(stateA) + "->" + str(stateB), orderparameter=fromA.orderparameter ) # override created stuff trans.ensembles = fromA.ensembles trans.minus_ensemble = fromA.minus_ensemble self.transitions[(stateA, stateB)] = trans # def disallow(self, stateA, stateB):
[docs] def build_fromstate_transitions(self, trans_info): """ Builds the sampling transitions (the self.from_state dictionary). This also sets self.states (list of states volumes), self.outers (list of interface volumes making the MS-outer interface), and self.outer_ensembles (list of TISEnsembles associated with the self.outers interfaces). Additionally, it gives default names volumes, interfaces, and transitions. Parameters ---------- trans_info : list of 4-tuples See description in __init__. """ states, interfaces, orderparams = zip(*trans_info) # NAMING STATES (give default names) all_states = paths.volume.join_volumes(states).named("all states") all_names = list(set([ for s in states])) unnamed_states = [s for s in states if not s.is_named] name_index = 0 for state in unnamed_states: while index_to_string(name_index) in all_names: name_index += 1 state.named(index_to_string(name_index)) name_index += 1 # BUILDING ENSEMBLES outer_ensembles = [] self.states = states for (state, ifaces, op) in trans_info: state_index = states.index(state) other_states = states[:state_index]+states[state_index+1:] union_others = paths.volume.join_volumes(other_states) union_others.named("all states except " + str( this_trans = paths.TISTransition( stateA=state, stateB=union_others, interfaces=ifaces[:-1], name="Out " +, orderparameter=op ) self.from_state[state] = this_trans this_minus = self.from_state[state].minus_ensemble this_inner = self.from_state[state].ensembles[0] try: self.special_ensembles['minus'][this_minus] = [this_trans] except KeyError: self.special_ensembles['minus'] = {this_minus : [this_trans]} outer_ensemble = paths.TISEnsemble( initial_states=state, final_states=all_states, interface=ifaces[-1] ) outer_ensemble.named("outer " + str(state)) outer_ensembles.append(outer_ensemble) ms_outer = paths.ensemble.join_ensembles(outer_ensembles) transition_outers = self.from_state.values() try: self.special_ensembles['ms_outer'][ms_outer] = transition_outers except KeyError: self.special_ensembles['ms_outer'] = {ms_outer : transition_outers}
def __str__(self): mystr = "Multiple State TIS Network:\n" for state in self.from_state.keys(): mystr += str(self.from_state[state]) return mystr
[docs] def rate_matrix(self, steps, force=False): """ Calculate the matrix of all rates. Parameters ---------- steps : iterable of :class:`.MCStep` steps to be analyzed force : bool (False) if True, cached results are overwritten Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Rates from row_label to column_label. Diagonal is NaN. """ # for each transition in from_state: # 1. Calculate the flux and the TCP self._rate_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.states, index=self.states) for stateA in self.from_state.keys(): transition = self.from_state[stateA] # set up the hist_args if necessary for histname in self.hist_args.keys(): trans_hist = transition.ensemble_histogram_info[histname] if trans_hist.hist_args == {}: trans_hist.hist_args = self.hist_args[histname] transition.total_crossing_probability(steps=steps, force=force) transition.minus_move_flux(steps=steps, force=force) for stateB in self.from_state.keys(): if stateA != stateB: analysis_trans = self.transitions[(stateA, stateB)] analysis_trans.copy_analysis_from(transition) for trans in self.transitions.values(): rate = trans.rate(steps) self._rate_matrix.set_value(trans.stateA, trans.stateB, rate) #print,, #print rate return self._rate_matrix
#def multiple_set_minus_switching(mistis, steps):
[docs]class MISTISNetwork(TISNetwork): """ Multiple interface set TIS network. Input is given as a list of 4-tuples. Each 4-tuple represents a transition, and is in the order: (initial_state, interfaces, order_parameter, final_states) This will create the `input_transitions` objects. Attributes ---------- input_transitions : list of TISTransition the transitions given as input sampling_transitions : list of TISTransition the transitions used in sampling transitions : list of TISTransition the transitions used in analysis Note ---- The distinction between the three types of transitions in the object are a bit subtle, but important. The `input_transitions` are, of course, the transitions given in the input. These are A->B transitions, but would allow any other state. The `sampling_transitions` are what are used in sampling. These are A->any transitions if strict sampling is off, or "A->B & not_others" if strict sampling is on. Finally, the regular `transitions` are the transitions that are used for analysis (use the sampling ensembles for the interfaces, but also A->B). Parameters ---------- trans_info : list of tuple Details of each interface set. 4-tuple in the order (initial_state, interfaces, orderparameter, final_state) where initial_state and final_state are Volumes, interfaces is a list of Volumes, and orderparameter is a CollectiveVariable strict_sampling : bool whether the final state from the tuple is the *only* allowed final state in the sampling; default False """ # NOTE: input_transitions are in addition to the sampling_transitions # and the transitions (analysis transitions)
[docs] def __init__(self, trans_info, strict_sampling=False): super(MISTISNetwork, self).__init__() self.trans_info = trans_info self.strict_sampling = strict_sampling states_A, interfaces, orderparams, states_B = zip(*trans_info) self.initial_states = list(set(states_A)) self.final_states = list(set(states_B)) list_all_states = list(set(self.initial_states + self.final_states)) # name states all_state_names = list(set([ for s in list_all_states])) unnamed_states = [s for s in list_all_states if not s.is_named] name_index = 0 for state in unnamed_states: while index_to_string(name_index) in all_state_names: name_index += 1 state.named(index_to_string(name_index)) name_index += 1 if not hasattr(self, "input_transitions"): self.input_transitions = { (stateA, stateB) : paths.TISTransition(stateA, stateB, interface, orderparam,"->" for (stateA, interface, orderparam, stateB) in self.trans_info } if not hasattr(self, 'x_sampling_transitions'): self.special_ensembles = {} self.build_sampling_transitions(self.input_transitions.values()) self._sampling_transitions = self.x_sampling_transitions # by default, we set assign these values to all ensembles self.hist_args = {} self.build_analysis_transitions()
def to_dict(self): ret_dict = { 'special_ensembles' : self.special_ensembles, 'transition_pairs' : self.transition_pairs, 'x_sampling_transitions' : self.x_sampling_transitions, 'transition_to_sampling' : self.transition_to_sampling, 'input_transitions' : self.input_transitions, 'trans_info' : self.trans_info, 'strict_sampling' : self.strict_sampling } return ret_dict @staticmethod def from_dict(dct): network = MISTISNetwork.__new__(MISTISNetwork) network.special_ensembles = dct['special_ensembles'] network.transition_pairs = dct['transition_pairs'] network.transition_to_sampling = dct['transition_to_sampling'] network.input_transitions = dct['input_transitions'] network.x_sampling_transitions = dct['x_sampling_transitions'] network.__init__(dct['trans_info'], dct['strict_sampling']) return network def build_sampling_transitions(self, transitions): # identify transition pairs for initial in self.initial_states: transition_pair_dict = {} for t1 in [t for t in transitions if t.stateA==initial]: reverse_trans = None for t2 in transitions: if t2.stateA==t1.stateB and t2.stateB==t1.stateA: transition_pair_dict[t1] = t2 # TODO: speed this up with a set? for key in transition_pair_dict.keys(): value = transition_pair_dict[key] if value in transition_pair_dict.keys(): del transition_pair_dict[value] self.transition_pairs = [(k, transition_pair_dict[k]) for k in transition_pair_dict.keys()] all_in_pairs = reduce(list.__add__, map(lambda x: list(x), self.transition_pairs)) # build sampling transitions all_states = paths.join_volumes(self.initial_states + self.final_states) all_states_set = set(self.initial_states + self.final_states) self.transition_to_sampling = {} for transition in transitions: stateA = transition.stateA stateB = transition.stateB if self.strict_sampling: final_state = stateB other_states = paths.join_volumes(all_states_set - set([stateA, stateB])) ensemble_to_intersect = paths.AllOutXEnsemble(other_states) else: final_state = all_states ensemble_to_intersect = paths.FullEnsemble() # TODO: fix following for strict_sampling if transition not in all_in_pairs: # if we don't have a pair partner, use all interfaces sample_trans = paths.TISTransition( stateA=stateA, stateB=final_state, interfaces=transition.interfaces, orderparameter=transition.orderparameter ) else: # if we do have a pair partner, outermost is MS-interface sample_trans = paths.TISTransition( stateA=stateA, stateB=final_state, interfaces=transition.interfaces[:-1], orderparameter=transition.orderparameter ) new_ensembles = [e & ensemble_to_intersect for e in sample_trans.ensembles] if self.strict_sampling: for (old, new) in zip(new_ensembles, sample_trans.ensembles): = + " strict" sample_trans.ensembles = new_ensembles sample_trans.named("Sampling " + str(stateA) + "->" + str(stateB)) self.transition_to_sampling[transition] = sample_trans self.x_sampling_transitions = self.transition_to_sampling.values() # build non-transition interfaces # combining the MS-outer interfaces for pair in self.transition_pairs: this_outer = paths.ensemble.join_ensembles( [pair[0].ensembles[-1], pair[1].ensembles[-1]] ) s_pair = [self.transition_to_sampling[p] for p in pair] try: self.special_ensembles['ms_outer'][this_outer] = list(s_pair) except KeyError: self.special_ensembles['ms_outer'] = {this_outer : list(s_pair)} # combining the minus interfaces for initial in self.initial_states: innermosts = [] trans_from_initial = [ t for t in self.x_sampling_transitions if t.stateA==initial ] for t1 in trans_from_initial: innermosts.append(t1.interfaces[0]) minus = paths.MinusInterfaceEnsemble( state_vol=initial, innermost_vols=innermosts ) try: self.special_ensembles['minus'][minus] = trans_from_initial except KeyError: self.special_ensembles['minus'] = {minus : trans_from_initial} def build_analysis_transitions(self): self.transitions = {} for trans in self.input_transitions.values(): sample_trans = self.transition_to_sampling[trans] stateA = trans.stateA stateB = trans.stateB analysis_trans = paths.TISTransition( stateA=stateA, stateB=stateB, interfaces=sample_trans.interfaces, orderparameter=sample_trans.orderparameter ) analysis_trans.ensembles = sample_trans.ensembles analysis_trans.named( #analysis_trans.special_ensembles = sample_trans.special_ensembles self.transitions[(stateA, stateB)] = analysis_trans def rate_matrix(self, steps, force=False): self._rate_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=self.final_states, index=self.initial_states) for trans in self.transitions.values(): # set up the hist_args if necessary for histname in self.hist_args.keys(): trans_hist = trans.ensemble_histogram_info[histname] if trans_hist.hist_args == {}: trans_hist.hist_args = self.hist_args[histname] tcp = trans.total_crossing_probability(steps=steps, force=force) if trans._flux is None: logger.warning("No flux for transition " + str( + ": Rate will be NaN") trans._flux = float("nan") # we give NaN so we can calculate the condition transition # probability automatically rate = trans.rate(steps) self._rate_matrix.set_value(trans.stateA, trans.stateB, rate) return self._rate_matrix