Source code for openpathsampling.pathsimulator

import time
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import StorableNamedObject, StorableObject

import openpathsampling as paths

import collections

from openpathsampling.pathmover import SubPathMover
from .ops_logging import initialization_logging
import abc

from future.utils import with_metaclass

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
init_log = logging.getLogger('openpathsampling.initialization')

# python 3 support
except NameError:
    xrange = range

class MCStep(StorableObject):
    A monte-carlo step in the main PathSimulation loop

    It references all objects created and used in a MC step. The used mover,
    and simulator as well as the initial and final sampleset, the step
    number and the generated movechange.

    simulation : PathSimulation
        the running pathsimulation responsible for generating the step
    mccycle : int
        the step number counting from the root sampleset
    previous : SampleSet
        the initial (pre) sampleset
    active : SampleSet
        the final (post) sampleset
    change : MoveChange
        the movechange describing the transition from pre to post
    def __init__(self, simulation=None, mccycle=-1, previous=None,
                 active=None, change=None):
        super(MCStep, self).__init__()
        self.simulation = simulation
        self.previous = previous = active
        self.change = change
        self.mccycle = mccycle

[docs]class PathSimulator(with_metaclass(abc.ABCMeta, StorableNamedObject)): """Abstract class for the "main" function of a simulation. Parameters ---------- storage : :class:`.Storage` Storage file for results Attributes ---------- save_frequency : int Results should be sync'd (saved to disk) after every ``save_frequency`` steps. Note: subclasses must directly implement this, the attribute is just a placeholder. output_stream : file Subclasses should write output to this, allowing a standard way to redirect any output. allow_refresh : bool Whether to allow the output to refresh an ipynb cell; default True. This is likely to be overridden when a pathsimulator is wrapped in another simulation. """ #__metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta calc_name = "PathSimulator" _excluded_attr = ['sample_set', 'step', 'save_frequency', 'output_stream']
[docs] def __init__(self, storage): super(PathSimulator, self).__init__() = storage # self.engine = engine self.save_frequency = 1 self.step = 0 initialization_logging( logger=init_log, obj=self, entries=['storage']#, 'engine'] ) self.sample_set = None self.output_stream = sys.stdout # user can change to file handler self.allow_refresh = True
[docs] def sync_storage(self): """ Will sync all collective variables and the storage to disk """ if is not None:
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def run(self, n_steps): """ Run the simulator for a number of steps Parameters ---------- n_steps : int number of step to be run """ pass
[docs] def save_initial_step(self): """ Save the initial state as an MCStep to the storage """ mcstep = MCStep( simulation=self, mccycle=self.step, active=self.sample_set, change=paths.AcceptedSampleMoveChange(self.sample_set.samples) ) if is not None:
class BootstrapPromotionMove(SubPathMover): """ Bootstrap promotion is the combination of an EnsembleHop (to the next ensemble up) with incrementing the replica ID. """ def __init__(self, bias=None, shooters=None, ensembles=None): """ Parameters ---------- bias : None not used yet, only for API consistency and later implementation shooters : list of ShootingMovers list of ShootingMovers for each ensemble ensembles : list of Ensembles list of ensembles the move should act on Notes ----- The bootstrapping will use the ensembles sequentially so it requires that all ensembles have a reasonable overlab using shooting moves. """ self.shooters = shooters self.bias = bias self.ensembles = ensembles initialization_logging(logger=init_log, obj=self, entries=['bias', 'shooters', 'ensembles']) ens_pairs = [[self.ensembles[i], self.ensembles[i+1]] for i in range(len(self.ensembles)-1)] # Bootstrapping sets numeric replica IDs. If the user wants it done # differently, the user can change it. self._ensemble_dict = {ens: rep for rep, ens in enumerate(ensembles)} # Create all possible hoppers so we do not have to recreate these # every time which will result in more efficient storage mover = paths.LastAllowedMover([ # writing an algorithm this convoluted can get you shot in Texas paths.PartialAcceptanceSequentialMover( movers=[ shoot, paths.EnsembleHopMover( ensemble=enss[0], target_ensemble=enss[1], change_replica=self._ensemble_dict[enss[1]] ) ] ) for (enss, shoot) in zip(ens_pairs, shooters) ]) super(BootstrapPromotionMove, self).__init__(mover) class Bootstrapping(PathSimulator): """Creates a SampleSet with one sample per ensemble. The ensembles for the Bootstrapping pathsimulator must be one ensemble set, in increasing order. Replicas are named numerically. """ calc_name = "Bootstrapping" def __init__( self, storage, engine=None, movers=None, trajectory=None, ensembles=None ): """ Parameters ---------- storage : the storage all results should be stored in engine : openpathsampling.DynamicsEngine the dynamics engine to be used movers : list of openpathsampling.PathMover list of shooters to be used in the BootstrapPromotionMove trajectory : openpathsampling.Trajectory an initial trajectory to be started from ensembles : nested list of openpathsampling.Ensemble the ensembles this move should act on """ # TODO: Change input from trajectory to sample super(Bootstrapping, self).__init__(storage) self.engine = engine paths.EngineMover.default_engine = engine # set the default self.ensembles = ensembles self.trajectory = trajectory sample = paths.Sample( replica=0, trajectory=trajectory, ensemble=self.ensembles[0] ) self.sample_set = paths.SampleSet([sample]) if movers is None: pass # TODO: implement defaults: one per ensemble, uniform sel else: self.movers = movers initialization_logging(init_log, self, ['movers', 'ensembles'])"Parameter: %s : %s", 'trajectory', str(trajectory)) self._bootstrapmove = BootstrapPromotionMove( bias=None, shooters=self.movers, ensembles=self.ensembles ) def run(self, n_steps): bootstrapmove = self._bootstrapmove cvs = [] n_samples = 0 if is not None: cvs = list( n_samples = len( ens_num = len(self.sample_set)-1 if self.step == 0: self.save_initial_step() failsteps = 0 # if we fail n_steps times in a row, kill the job while ens_num < len(self.ensembles) - 1 and failsteps < n_steps: self.step += 1"Step: " + str(self.step) + " Ensemble: " + str(ens_num) + " failsteps = " + str(failsteps) ) ("Working on Bootstrapping cycle step %d" + " in ensemble %d/%d .\n") % (self.step, ens_num + 1, len(self.ensembles)), output_stream=self.output_stream, refresh=self.allow_refresh ) movepath = bootstrapmove.move(self.sample_set) samples = movepath.results new_sampleset = self.sample_set.apply_samples(samples) # samples = movepath.results # logger.debug("SAMPLES:") # for sample in samples: # logger.debug("(" + str(sample.replica) # + "," + str(sample.trajectory) # + "," + repr(sample.ensemble) # ) mcstep = MCStep( simulation=self, mccycle=self.step, previous=self.sample_set, active=new_sampleset, change=movepath ) # logger.debug("GLOBALSTATE:") # for sample in self.sample_set: # logger.debug("(" + str(sample.replica) # + "," + str(sample.trajectory) # + "," + repr(sample.ensemble) # ) if is not None: # compute all cvs now for cv in cvs: n_len = len( cv([n_samples:n_len]) n_samples = n_len self.sample_set = new_sampleset old_ens_num = ens_num ens_num = len(self.sample_set)-1 if ens_num == old_ens_num: failsteps += 1 if self.step % self.save_frequency == 0: self.sample_set.sanity_check() self.sync_storage() self.sync_storage() ("DONE! Completed Bootstrapping cycle step %d" + " in ensemble %d/%d.\n") % (self.step, ens_num + 1, len(self.ensembles)), output_stream=self.output_stream, refresh=self.allow_refresh )
[docs]class FullBootstrapping(PathSimulator): """ Takes a snapshot as input; gives you back a sampleset with trajectories for every ensemble in the transition. This includes Parameters ---------- transition : :class:`.TISTransition` the TIS transition to fill by bootstrapping snapshot : :class:`.Snapshot` the initial snapshot storage : :class:`.Storage` storage file to record the steps (optional) engine : :class:`.DynamicsEngine` MD engine to use for dynamics extra_interfaces : list of :class:`.Volume` additional interfaces to make into TIS ensembles (beyond those in the transition) extra_ensembles : list of :class:`.Ensemble` additional ensembles to sample after the TIS ensembles forbidden_states : list of :class:`.Volume` regions that are disallowed during the initial trajectory. Note that these region *are* allowed during the interface sampling initial_max_length : int maximum length of the initial A->A trajectory """ calc_name = "FullBootstrapping"
[docs] def __init__(self, transition, snapshot, storage=None, engine=None, extra_interfaces=None, extra_ensembles=None, forbidden_states=None, initial_max_length=None): super(FullBootstrapping, self).__init__(storage) self.engine = engine paths.EngineMover.default_engine = engine # set the default if extra_interfaces is None: extra_interfaces = list() if forbidden_states is None: forbidden_states = list() interface0 = transition.interfaces[0] ensemble0 = transition.ensembles[0] state = transition.stateA self.state = state self.first_traj_ensemble = paths.SequentialEnsemble([ paths.OptionalEnsemble(paths.AllOutXEnsemble(state)), paths.AllInXEnsemble(state), paths.OptionalEnsemble( paths.AllOutXEnsemble(state) & paths.AllInXEnsemble(interface0) ), paths.OptionalEnsemble(paths.AllInXEnsemble(interface0)), paths.AllOutXEnsemble(interface0), paths.OptionalEnsemble(paths.AllOutXEnsemble(state)), paths.SingleFrameEnsemble(paths.AllInXEnsemble(state)) ]) & paths.AllOutXEnsemble(paths.join_volumes(forbidden_states)) self.initial_max_length = initial_max_length if self.initial_max_length is not None: self.first_traj_ensemble = ( paths.LengthEnsemble(slice(0, self.initial_max_length)) & self.first_traj_ensemble ) if extra_ensembles is None: extra_ensembles = [] self.extra_ensembles = [ paths.TISEnsemble(transition.stateA, transition.stateB, iface, transition.orderparameter) for iface in extra_interfaces ] + extra_ensembles self.transition_shooters = [ paths.OneWayShootingMover(selector=paths.UniformSelector(), ensemble=ens, engine=self.engine) for ens in transition.ensembles ] self.extra_shooters = [ paths.OneWayShootingMover(selector=paths.UniformSelector(), ensemble=ens, engine=self.engine) for ens in self.extra_ensembles ] self.snapshot = snapshot.copy() self.ensemble0 = ensemble0 self.all_ensembles = transition.ensembles + self.extra_ensembles self.n_ensembles = len(self.all_ensembles) self.error_max_rounds = True
[docs] def run(self, max_ensemble_rounds=None, n_steps_per_round=20, build_attempts=20): #print first_traj_ensemble #DEBUG has_AA_path = False subtraj = None while not has_AA_path: self.engine.current_snapshot = self.snapshot.copy() self.engine.snapshot = self.snapshot.copy() self.output_stream.write("Building first trajectory\n") sys.stdout.flush() first_traj = self.engine.generate( self.engine.current_snapshot, [self.first_traj_ensemble.can_append] ) self.output_stream.write("Selecting segment\n") sys.stdout.flush() subtrajs = self.ensemble0.split(first_traj) if len(subtrajs) > 0: # if we have a short enough path go ahead subtraj = subtrajs[0] # check that this is A->A as well has_AA_path = self.state(subtraj[-1]) \ and self.state(subtraj[0]) build_attempts -= 1 if build_attempts == 0: raise RuntimeError( 'Too many attempts. Try another initial snapshot instead.') self.output_stream.write("Sampling " + str(self.n_ensembles) + " ensembles.\n") bootstrap = paths.Bootstrapping(, ensembles=self.all_ensembles, movers=self.transition_shooters + self.extra_shooters, trajectory=subtraj ) bootstrap.output_stream = self.output_stream self.output_stream.write("Beginning bootstrapping\n") n_rounds = 0 n_filled = len(bootstrap.sample_set) while n_filled < self.n_ensembles: if n_filled == len(bootstrap.sample_set): n_rounds += 1 else: n_rounds = 0 if n_rounds == max_ensemble_rounds: # hard equality instead of inequality so that None gives us # effectively infinite (rounds add one at a time msg = ("Too many rounds of bootstrapping: " + str(n_rounds) + " round of " + str(n_steps_per_round) + " steps.") if self.error_max_rounds: raise RuntimeError(msg) else: # pragma: no cover logger.warning(msg) break n_filled = len(bootstrap.sample_set) return bootstrap.sample_set
[docs]class PathSampling(PathSimulator): """ General path sampling code. Takes a single move_scheme and generates samples from that, keeping one per replica after each move. """ calc_name = "PathSampling"
[docs] def __init__(self, storage, move_scheme=None, sample_set=None, initialize=True): """ Parameters ---------- storage : :class:`` the storage where all results should be stored in move_scheme : :class:`openpathsampling.MoveScheme` the move scheme used for the pathsampling cycle sample_set : :class:`openpathsampling.SampleSet` the initial SampleSet for the Simulator initialize : bool if `False` the new PathSimulator will continue at the step and not create a new SampleSet object to cut the connection to previous steps """ super(PathSampling, self).__init__(storage) self.move_scheme = move_scheme if move_scheme is not None: self.root_mover = move_scheme.move_decision_tree() self._mover = paths.PathSimulatorMover(self.root_mover, self) else: self.root_mover = None self._mover = None initialization_logging(init_log, self, ['move_scheme', 'sample_set']) self.live_visualizer = None self.status_update_frequency = 1 if initialize: samples = [] if sample_set is not None: for sample in sample_set: samples.append(sample.copy_reset()) self.sample_set = paths.SampleSet(samples) mcstep = MCStep( simulation=self, mccycle=self.step, active=self.sample_set, change=paths.AcceptedSampleMoveChange(self.sample_set.samples) ) self._current_step = mcstep else: self.sample_set = sample_set self._current_step = None self.root = self.sample_set if is not None: template_trajectory = self.sample_set.samples[0].trajectory self.save_current_step()
[docs] def to_dict(self): return { 'root': self.root, 'move_scheme': self.move_scheme, 'root_mover': self.root_mover, }
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct): # create empty object obj = cls(None) # and correct the content obj.move_scheme = dct['move_scheme'] obj.root = dct['root'] obj.root_mover = dct['root_mover'] obj._mover = paths.PathSimulatorMover(obj.root_mover, obj) return obj
@property def current_step(self): return self._current_step
[docs] def save_current_step(self): """ Save the current step to the storage """ if is not None and self._current_step is not None:
[docs] @classmethod def from_step(cls, storage, step, initialize=True): """ Parameters ---------- storage : :class:`` the storage to be used to hold the simulation results step : :class:`openpathsampling.MCStep` the step used to fill the initial parameters initialize : bool if `False` the new PathSimulator will continue at the given step and not create a new SampleSet object to cut the connection to previous steps. Returns ------- :class:`openpathsampling.PathSampling` the new simulator object """ obj = cls( storage, step.simulation.move_scheme, step.sample_set, initialize=initialize ) return obj
[docs] def restart_at_step(self, step, storage=None): """ Continue with a loaded pathsampling at a given step Notes ----- You can only continue from a step that is compatible in the sense that it was previously generated from the pathsampling instance. If you want to switch the move scheme you need to create a new pathsampling instance. You can do so with the constructor or using the classmethod `from_step` which simplifies the setup process Parameters ---------- step : :class:`MCStep` the step to be continued from. You are always free to chose any step which can be used to fork a simulation but for analysis you may only use one path of steps. storage : :class:`Storage` If given this will change the storage used to store the generated steps """ if step.simulation is not self: raise RuntimeWarning( 'Trying to continue from other step. Please use the ' '`.from_step` method to create a new PathSampling object ' 'instead.') if storage is not None: = storage self.step = step.mccycle self.sample_set = self.root = step.simulation.root self._current_step = step
def run_until(self, n_steps): # if is not None: # if len( > 0: # self.step = len( n_steps_to_run = n_steps - self.step
[docs] def run(self, n_steps): mcstep = None # cvs = list() # n_samples = 0 # if is not None: # n_samples = len( # cvs = list( initial_time = time.time() for nn in range(n_steps): self.step += 1"Beginning MC cycle " + str(self.step)) refresh = self.allow_refresh if self.step % self.status_update_frequency == 0: # do we visualize this step? if self.live_visualizer is not None and mcstep is not None: # do we visualize at all? self.live_visualizer.draw_ipynb(mcstep) refresh = False elapsed = time.time() - initial_time if nn > 0: time_per_step = elapsed / nn else: time_per_step = 1.0 "Working on Monte Carlo cycle number " + str(self.step) + "\n" +, n_steps, elapsed), refresh=refresh, output_stream=self.output_stream ) time_start = time.time() movepath = self._mover.move(self.sample_set, step=self.step) samples = movepath.results new_sampleset = self.sample_set.apply_samples(samples) time_elapsed = time.time() - time_start # TODO: we can save this with the MC steps for timing? The bit # below works, but is only a temporary hack setattr(movepath.details, "timing", time_elapsed) mcstep = MCStep( simulation=self, mccycle=self.step, previous=self.sample_set, active=new_sampleset, change=movepath ) self._current_step = mcstep self.save_current_step() # if is not None: # # I think this is done automatically when saving snapshots # # for cv in cvs: # # n_len = len( # # cv([n_samples:n_len]) # # n_samples = n_len # # if self.step % self.save_frequency == 0: self.sample_set.sanity_check() self.sync_storage() self.sample_set = new_sampleset self.sync_storage() if self.live_visualizer is not None and mcstep is not None: self.live_visualizer.draw_ipynb(mcstep) "DONE! Completed " + str(self.step) + " Monte Carlo cycles.\n", refresh=False, output_stream=self.output_stream )
class ShootFromSnapshotsSimulation(PathSimulator): """ Generic class for shooting from a set of snapshots. This mainly serves as a base class for other simulation types (committor, reactive flux, etc.) All of these take initial snapshots from within some defined volume, modify the velocities in some way, and run the dynamics until some ensemble tells them to stop. While this is usually subclassed, it isn't technically abstract, so a user can create a simulation of this sort on-the-fly for some weird ensembles. Parameters ---------- storage : :class:`.Storage` the file to store simulations in engine : :class:`.DynamicsEngine` the dynamics engine to use to run the simulation starting_volume : :class:`.Volume` volume initial frames must be inside of forward_ensemble : :class:`.Ensemble` ensemble for shots in the forward direction backward_ensemble : :class:`.Ensemble` ensemble for shots in the backward direction randomizer : :class:`.SnapshotModifier` the method used to modify the input snapshot before each shot initial_snapshots : list of :class:`.Snapshot` initial snapshots to use """ def __init__(self, storage, engine, starting_volume, forward_ensemble, backward_ensemble, randomizer, initial_snapshots): super(ShootFromSnapshotsSimulation, self).__init__(storage) self.engine = engine # FIXME: this next line seems weird; but tests fail without it paths.EngineMover.default_engine = engine try: initial_snapshots = list(initial_snapshots) except TypeError: initial_snapshots = [initial_snapshots] self.initial_snapshots = initial_snapshots self.randomizer = randomizer self.starting_ensemble = ( paths.AllInXEnsemble(starting_volume) & paths.LengthEnsemble(1) ) self.forward_ensemble = forward_ensemble self.backward_ensemble = backward_ensemble self.forward_mover = paths.ForwardExtendMover( ensemble=self.starting_ensemble, target_ensemble=self.forward_ensemble ) self.backward_mover = paths.BackwardExtendMover( ensemble=self.starting_ensemble, target_ensemble=self.backward_ensemble ) # subclasses will often override this self.mover = paths.RandomChoiceMover([self.forward_mover, self.backward_mover]) def to_dict(self): dct = { 'engine': self.engine, 'initial_snapshots': self.initial_snapshots, 'randomizer': self.randomizer, 'starting_ensemble': self.starting_ensemble, 'forward_ensemble': self.forward_ensemble, 'backward_ensemble': self.backward_ensemble, 'mover': self.mover } return dct @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct): obj = cls.__new__(cls) # user must manually set a storage! super(ShootFromSnapshotsSimulation, obj).__init__(storage=None) obj.engine = dct['engine'] obj.initial_snapshots = dct['initial_snapshots'] obj.randomizer = dct['randomizer'] obj.starting_ensemble = dct['starting_ensemble'] obj.forward_ensemble = dct['forward_ensemble'] obj.backward_ensemble = dct['backward_ensemble'] obj.mover = dct['mover'] return obj def run(self, n_per_snapshot, as_chain=False): """Run the simulation. Parameters ---------- n_per_snapshot : int number of shots per snapshot as_chain : bool if as_chain is False (default), then the input to the modifier is always the original snapshot. If as_chain is True, then the input to the modifier is the previous (modified) snapshot. Useful for modifications that can't cover the whole range from a given snapshot. """ self.step = 0 snap_num = 0 for snapshot in self.initial_snapshots: start_snap = snapshot # do what we need to get the snapshot set up for step in range(n_per_snapshot): "Working on snapshot %d / %d; shot %d / %d" % ( snap_num+1, len(self.initial_snapshots), step+1, n_per_snapshot ), output_stream=self.output_stream, refresh=self.allow_refresh ) if as_chain: start_snap = self.randomizer(start_snap) else: start_snap = self.randomizer(snapshot) sample_set = paths.SampleSet([ paths.Sample(replica=0, trajectory=paths.Trajectory([start_snap]), ensemble=self.starting_ensemble) ]) sample_set.sanity_check() new_pmc = self.mover.move(sample_set) samples = new_pmc.results new_sample_set = sample_set.apply_samples(samples) mcstep = MCStep( simulation=self, mccycle=self.step, previous=sample_set, active=new_sample_set, change=new_pmc ) if is not None: if self.step % self.save_frequency == 0: self.sync_storage() self.step += 1 snap_num += 1
[docs]class CommittorSimulation(ShootFromSnapshotsSimulation): """Committor simulations. What state do you hit from a given snapshot? Parameters ---------- storage : :class:`.Storage` the file to store simulations in engine : :class:`.DynamicsEngine` the dynamics engine to use to run the simulation states : list of :class:`.Volume` the volumes representing the stable states randomizer : :class:`.SnapshotModifier` the method used to modify the input snapshot before each shot initial_snapshots : list of :class:`.Snapshot` initial snapshots to use direction : int or None if direction > 0, only forward shooting is used, if direction < 0, only backward, and if direction is None, mix of forward and backward. Useful if using no modification on the randomizer. """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage, engine=None, states=None, randomizer=None, initial_snapshots=None, direction=None): all_state_volume = paths.join_volumes(states) no_state_volume = ~all_state_volume # shoot forward until we hit a state forward_ensemble = paths.SequentialEnsemble([ paths.AllOutXEnsemble(all_state_volume), paths.AllInXEnsemble(all_state_volume) & paths.LengthEnsemble(1) ]) # or shoot backward until we hit a state backward_ensemble = paths.SequentialEnsemble([ paths.AllInXEnsemble(all_state_volume) & paths.LengthEnsemble(1), paths.AllOutXEnsemble(all_state_volume) ]) super(CommittorSimulation, self).__init__( storage=storage, engine=engine, starting_volume=no_state_volume, forward_ensemble=forward_ensemble, backward_ensemble=backward_ensemble, randomizer=randomizer, initial_snapshots=initial_snapshots ) self.states = states self.direction = direction # override the default self.mover given by the superclass if self.direction is None: self.mover = paths.RandomChoiceMover([self.forward_mover, self.backward_mover]) elif self.direction > 0: self.mover = self.forward_mover elif self.direction < 0: self.mover = self.backward_mover
[docs] def to_dict(self): dct = super(CommittorSimulation, self).to_dict() dct['states'] = self.states dct['direction'] = self.direction return dct
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct): obj = super(CommittorSimulation, cls).from_dict(dct) obj.states = dct['states'] obj.direction = dct['direction'] return obj
[docs]class DirectSimulation(PathSimulator): """ Direct simulation to calculate rates and fluxes. In practice, this is primarily used to calculate the flux if you want to do so without saving the entire trajectory. However, it will also save the trajectory, if you want it to. Parameters ---------- storage : :class:`.Storage` file to store the trajectory in. Default is None, meaning that the trajectory isn't stored (also faster) engine : :class:`.DynamicsEngine` the engine for the molecular dynamics states : list of :class:`.Volume` states to look for transitions between flux_pairs : list of 2-tuples of ``(state, interface)`` fluxes will calculate the flux out of `state` and through `interface` for each pair in this list initial_snapshot : :class:`.Snapshot` initial snapshot for the MD Attributes ---------- transitions : dict with keys 2-tuple of paths.Volume, values list of int for each pair of states (from_state, to_state) as a key, gives the number of frames for each transition from the entry into from_state to entry into to_state rate_matrix : pd.DataFrame calculates the rate matrix, in units of per-frames fluxes : dict with keys 2-tuple of paths.Volume, values float flux out of state and through interface for each (state, interface) key pair n_transitions : dict with keys 2-tuple of paths.Volume, values int number of transition events for each pair of states n_flux_events : dict with keys 2-tuple of paths.Volume, values int number of flux events for each (state, interface) pair """
[docs] def __init__(self, storage=None, engine=None, states=None, flux_pairs=None, initial_snapshot=None): super(DirectSimulation, self).__init__(storage) self.engine = engine self.states = states self.flux_pairs = flux_pairs if flux_pairs is None: self.flux_pairs = [] self.initial_snapshot = initial_snapshot self.save_every = 1 # TODO: might set these elsewhere for reloading purposes? self.transition_count = [] self.flux_events = {pair: [] for pair in self.flux_pairs}
@property def results(self): return {'transition_count': self.transition_count, 'flux_events': self.flux_events} def load_results(self, results): self.transition_count = results['transition_count'] self.flux_events = results['flux_events']
[docs] def run(self, n_steps): most_recent_state = None first_interface_exit = {p: -1 for p in self.flux_pairs} last_state_visit = {s: -1 for s in self.states} was_in_interface = {p: None for p in self.flux_pairs} local_traj = paths.Trajectory([self.initial_snapshot]) self.engine.current_snapshot = self.initial_snapshot for step in xrange(n_steps): frame = self.engine.generate_next_frame() # update the most recent state if we're in a state state = None # no state at all for s in self.states: if s(frame): state = s if state: last_state_visit[state] = step if state is not most_recent_state: # we've made a transition: on the first entrance into # this state, we reset the last_interface_exit state_flux_pairs = [p for p in self.flux_pairs if p[0] == state] for p in state_flux_pairs: first_interface_exit[p] = -1 # if this isn't the first change of state, we add the # transition if most_recent_state: self.transition_count.append((state, step)) most_recent_state = state # update whether we've left any interface for p in self.flux_pairs: state = p[0] interface = p[1] is_in_interface = interface(frame) # by line: (1) this is a crossing; (2) the most recent state # is correct; (3) this is the FIRST crossing first_exit_condition = ( not is_in_interface and was_in_interface[p] # crossing and state is most_recent_state # correct recent state and first_interface_exit[p] < last_state_visit[state] ) if first_exit_condition: first_exit = first_interface_exit[p] # successful exit if 0 < first_exit < last_state_visit[state]: flux_time_range = (step, first_exit) self.flux_events[p].append(flux_time_range) first_interface_exit[p] = step was_in_interface[p] = is_in_interface if is not None: local_traj += [frame] if is not None:
@property def transitions(self): prev_state = None prev_time = None results = {} for (new_state, time) in self.transition_count: if prev_state is not None and prev_time is not None: lag = time - prev_time try: results[(prev_state, new_state)] += [lag] except KeyError: results[(prev_state, new_state)] = [lag] prev_state = new_state prev_time = time return results @property def rate_matrix(self): transitions = self.transitions try: time_per_step = self.engine.snapshot_timestep except AttributeError: time_per_step = 1.0 total_time = {s: sum(sum((transitions[t] for t in transitions if t[0] == s), [])) * time_per_step for s in self.states} rates = {t : len(transitions[t]) / total_time[t[0]] for t in transitions} # rates = {t : 1.0 / np.array(transitions[t]).mean() # for t in transitions} state_names = [ for s in self.states] rate_matrix = pd.DataFrame(columns=state_names, index=state_names) for t in rates:[t[0].name, t[1].name] = rates[t] return rate_matrix @property def fluxes(self): results = {} try: time_per_step = self.engine.snapshot_timestep except AttributeError: time_per_step = 1.0 for p in self.flux_events: lags = [t[0] - t[1] for t in self.flux_events[p]] results[p] = 1.0 / np.mean(lags) / time_per_step return results # return {p : 1.0 / np.array(self.flux_events[p]).mean() # for p in self.flux_events} @property def n_transitions(self): transitions = self.transitions return {t : len(transitions[t]) for t in transitions} @property def n_flux_events(self): return {p : len(self.flux_events[p]) for p in self.flux_events}