Overview of Engines =================== From the OpenPathSampling perspective, an engine must involve at least two parts: it must have a subclass of :class:`.Snapshot`, which describes the state of the system at a give point in time, and it must have a subclass of :class:`.DynamicsEngine`, which propagates the system through time. It also must create a :class:`.SnapshotDescriptor`, which tells the storage subsystem how large each snapshot will be (e.g., how many atoms). In practice, most engines have several other objects which help the :class:`.DynamicsEngine`. Frequently there are some objects which help describe the interactions: in molecular mechanics, these are "force fields" and "topologies," or sometimes just the "potential energy surface." There is usually some customizable rule for propagating the system through time, typically called an "integrator." OPS is indifferent to the details of how these sorts of things are implemented in any specific engine. What matters is that the :class:`.DynamicsEngine` obeys the OPS API, and that OPS can interact with the :class:`Snapshots <.Snapshot>`. The two engine APIs ------------------- OpenPathSampling supports two approaches to controlling an engine: through direct control (where a Python API enables you to directly control the MD and run until the next saved snapshot) and through indirect control (where the engine runs as an external process). In general, if your engine can be implemented using the direct control API, we would suggest using it. However, many existing engines are not designed to be controlled interactively by a Python script. For these, we have the indirect control API, which uses the output of a trajectory file as an intermediary between the engine and OPS. Customizing snapshots --------------------- The :class:`.Snapshot` includes all the relevant information about the state of the system at a given instant in time. For molecular dynamics, this typically includes positions and velocities, as well as box vectors for periodic systems. In OPS, it is easy to add other information to snapshots, known as "snapshot features." This can include storing new information in each snapshot (such as wavefunction data), computing data based on other information in the snapshot (such as kinetic energy), or accessing other information (by reference) that doesn't change between snapshots (such as particle passes). Implementing particular snapshot features will also immediately enable more advanced techniques in OPS (such as two-way shooting, or support for interactions with MDTraj). This is designed to help you, as an engine developer, get the most functionality with the least effort.