Source code for openpathsampling.analysis.shooting_point_analysis

import collections
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import warnings

from openpathsampling.progress import SimpleProgress

    from collections import abc
except ImportError:
    import collections as abc

# based on
class TransformedDict(abc.MutableMapping):
    """A dictionary that applies an arbitrary key-altering function before
    accessing the keys

    This implementation involves a particular hashing function. It is
    assumed that any two input objects which give the same hash are
    effectively identical, allowing later rehashing based on the same.

    def __init__(self, hash_function, *args, **kwargs): = dict()
        self.hash_representatives = dict()
        self.hash_function = hash_function
        self.update(dict(*args, **kwargs))  # use the free update to set keys

    def __getitem__(self, key):

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        hashed = self.hash_function(key)
        if hashed not in self.hash_representatives:
            self.hash_representatives[hashed] = key[hashed] = value

    def __delitem__(self, key):
        hashed = self.hash_function(key)
        del self.hash_representatives[hashed]

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.hash_representatives.values())

    def __len__(self):
        return len(

    def rehash(self, new_hash):
        """Create a new TransformedDict with this data and new hash.

        It is up to the user to ensure that the mapping from the old hash to
        the new is a function (i.e., each entry from the old hash can be
        mapped directly onto the new hash).

        For example, this is used to map from a snapshot's coordinates to
        a collective variable based on the coordinates. However, if the
        orignal hash was based on coordinates, but the new hash included
        velocities, the resulting mapping would be invalid. It is up to the
        user to avoid such invalid remappings.
        return TransformedDict(new_hash,
                                for k in})

class SnapshotByCoordinateDict(TransformedDict):
    """TransformedDict that uses snapshot coordinates as keys.

    This is primarily used to have a unique key for shooting point analysis
    (e.g., committor analysis).
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        hash_fcn = lambda x: x.coordinates.tobytes()
        super(SnapshotByCoordinateDict, self).__init__(hash_fcn,
                                                       *args, **kwargs)

class ShootingPointAnalysisError(AssertionError):
    # TODO this should inherit from a different Error type in OPS 2.0

class NoFramesInStateError(ShootingPointAnalysisError):

class MoreStatesThanFramesError(ShootingPointAnalysisError):

[docs] class ShootingPointAnalysis(SimpleProgress, SnapshotByCoordinateDict): """ Container and methods for shooting point analysis. This is especially useful for analyzing committors, which is automatically done on a per-configuration basis, and can also be done as a histogram. Parameters ---------- steps : iterable of :class:`.MCStep` or None input MC steps to analyze; if None, no analysis performed states : list of :class:`.Volume` volumes to consider as states for the analysis. For pandas output, these volumes must be named. error_if_no_state: bool, default True boolean flag to error on steps that don't end in one of the states """
[docs] def __init__(self, steps, states, error_if_no_state=True): super(ShootingPointAnalysis, self).__init__() self.states = states self.error_if_no_state = error_if_no_state if steps: self.analyze(steps)
def analyze(self, steps): """Analyze a list of steps, adding to internal results. Parameters ---------- steps : iterable of :class:`.MCStep` or None MC steps to analyze """ for step in self.progress(steps): try: self.analyze_single_step(step) except NoFramesInStateError as err: if self.error_if_no_state: addition = ("\nTo disable this error set " "'error_if_no_state=False'") raise type(err)(str(err) + addition) else: warnings.warn(str(err)) def analyze_single_step(self, step): """ Analyzes final states from a path sampling step. Adds to internal results. Parameters ---------- step : :class:`.MCStep` the step to analyze and add to this analysis Returns ------- list of :class:`.Volume` the states which are identified as new final states from this move """ key = self.step_key(step) if key is not None: details = step.change.canonical.details trial_traj = step.change.canonical.trials[0].trajectory init_traj = details.initial_trajectory test_points = [s for s in [trial_traj[0], trial_traj[-1]] if s not in [init_traj[0], init_traj[-1]]] total = collections.Counter( {state: sum([int(state(pt)) for pt in test_points]) for state in self.states} ) total_count = sum(total.values()) if total_count == 0: err = ("Step "+str(step.mccycle)+" has a trajectory without " "endpoints in any of the states.") raise NoFramesInStateError(err) if total_count > len(test_points): err = ("The " + str(len(test_points)) + " end points of the trail trajectory from step " + str(step.mccycle) + " found " + str(total_count) + " stable states." "\n Are you sure your states don't overlap?" ) raise MoreStatesThanFramesError(err) try: self[key] += total except KeyError: self[key] = total else: total = {} return [s for s in total.keys() if total[s] > 0] @staticmethod def step_key(step): """ Returns the key we use for hashing (the shooting snapshot). Parameters ---------- step : :class:`.MCStep` the step to extract a shooting point from Returns ------- :class:`.Snapshot` or None the shooting snapshot, or None if this step is not a shooting move. """ key = None try: change = step.change.canonical details = change.details shooting_snap = details.shooting_snapshot except AttributeError: # wrong kind of move (no shooting_snapshot) pass except IndexError: # very wrong kind of move (no trials!) pass else: # easy to change how we define the key key = shooting_snap return key @classmethod def from_individual_runs(cls, run_results, states=None): """Build shooting point analysis from pairs of shooting point to final state. Parameters ---------- run_results : list of 2-tuples (:class:`.Snapshot`, :class:`.Volume`) the first element in each pair is the shooting point, the second is the final volume """ if states is None: states = set(s[1] for s in run_results) analyzer = ShootingPointAnalysis(None, states) for step in run_results: key = step[0] total = collections.Counter({step[1]: 1}) try: analyzer[key] += total except KeyError: analyzer[key] = total return analyzer def committor(self, state, label_function=None): """Calculate the (point-by-point) committor. This is for the point-by-point (per-configuration) committor, not for histograms. See `committor_histogram` for the histogram version. Parameters ---------- state : :class:`.Volume` the committor is 1.0 if 100% of shots enter this state label_function : callable the keys for the dictionary that is returned are `label_function(snapshot)`; default `None` gives the snapshot as key. Returns ------- dict : mapping labels given by label_function to the committor value """ if label_function is None: label_function = lambda s: s results = {} for k in self: out_key = label_function(k) counter_k = self[k] committor = float(counter_k[state]) / sum([counter_k[s] for s in self.states]) results[out_key] = committor return results @staticmethod def _get_key_dim(key): try: ndim = len(key) except TypeError: ndim = 1 if ndim > 2 or ndim < 1: err = ("Histogram key dimension {0} > 2 or {0} < 1 " "(key: {1})").format(ndim, key) raise RuntimeError(err) return ndim def committor_histogram(self, new_hash, state, bins=10): """Calculate the histogrammed version of the committor. Parameters ---------- new_hash : callable values are histogrammed in bins based on new_hash(snapshot) state : :class:`.Volume` the committor is 1.0 if 100% of shots enter this state bins : see numpy.histogram bins input to numpy.histogram Returns ------- tuple : hist, bins like numpy.histogram, where hist is the histogram count and bins is the bins output from numpy.histogram. 2-tuple in the case of 1D histogram, 3-tuple in the case of 2D histogram """ rehashed = self.rehash(new_hash) r_store = count_all = {k: sum(r_store[k].values()) for k in r_store} count_state = {k: r_store[k][state] for k in r_store} ndim = self._get_key_dim(list(r_store.keys())[0]) if ndim == 1: (all_hist, b) = np.histogram(list(count_all.keys()), weights=list(count_all.values()), bins=bins) (state_hist, b) = np.histogram(list(count_state.keys()), weights=list(count_state.values()), bins=bins) b_list = [b] elif ndim == 2: (all_hist, b_x, b_y) = np.histogram2d( x=[k[0] for k in count_all], y=[k[1] for k in count_all], weights=list(count_all.values()), bins=bins ) (state_hist, b_x, b_y) = np.histogram2d( x=[k[0] for k in count_state], y=[k[1] for k in count_state], weights=list(count_state.values()), bins=bins ) b_list = [b_x, b_y] # if all_hist is 0, state_hist is NaN: ignore warning, return NaN with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): state_frac = np.true_divide(state_hist, all_hist) return tuple([state_frac] + b_list) def to_pandas(self, label_function=None): """ Pandas dataframe. Row for each configuration, column for each state. Parameters ---------- label_function : callable takes snapshot, returns index to use for pandas.DataFrame """ transposed = pd.DataFrame( df = pd.DataFrame(transposed) df.columns = [ for s in transposed.keys()] if label_function is None: df.index = range(len(df.index)) else: # TODO: is ordering guaranteed here? df.index = [label_function(self.hash_representatives[k]) for k in] return df