Source code for openpathsampling.collectivevariable

import openpathsampling as paths
import openpathsampling.netcdfplus.chaindict as cd
from openpathsampling.integration_tools import md, error_if_no_mdtraj
from import trajectory_to_mdtraj
from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import WeakKeyCache, \
    ObjectJSON, create_to_dict, ObjectStore, PseudoAttribute

from openpathsampling.deprecations import (has_deprecations, deprecate,
                                           MSMBUILDER, PYEMMA)

import sys
if sys.version_info > (3, ):
    get_code = lambda func: func.__code__
    get_code = lambda func: func.func_code

# ==============================================================================
#  CLASS CollectiveVariable
# ==============================================================================

[docs] class CollectiveVariable(PseudoAttribute): """ Wrapper for a function that acts on snapshots or iterables of snapshots Parameters ---------- name : string A descriptive name of the collectivevariable. It is used in the string representation. cv_time_reversible : bool If ``True`` (default) the CV assumes that reversed snapshots have the same value. This is the default case when CVs do not depend on momenta reversal. This will speed up computation of CVs by about a factor of two. In rare cases you might want to set this to ``False`` Attributes ---------- name cv_time_reversible _cache_dict : :class:`openpathsampling.chaindict.ChainDict` The ChainDict that will cache calculated values for fast access """ # do not store the settings for the disk cache. These are independent # and stored in the cache itself _excluded_attr = [ 'diskcache_enabled', 'diskcache_allow_incomplete', 'diskcache_chunksize' ]
[docs] def __init__( self, name, cv_time_reversible=False ): super(CollectiveVariable, self).__init__(name, paths.BaseSnapshot) self.cv_time_reversible = cv_time_reversible self.diskcache_allow_incomplete = not self.cv_time_reversible self.diskcache_chunksize = ObjectStore.default_store_chunk_size self._cache_dict = cd.ReversibleCacheChainDict( WeakKeyCache(), reversible=cv_time_reversible ) self._single_dict._post = self._cache_dict
# self._post = self._single_dict > self._cache_dict to_dict = create_to_dict(['name', 'cv_time_reversible'])
[docs] class InVolumeCV(CollectiveVariable): """Turn a :class:`openpathsampling.volume.Volume` into a collective variable Attributes ---------- name volume """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, volume): """ Parameters ---------- name : string name of the collective variable volume : openpathsampling.Volume the Volume instance to be treated as a (storable) CV """ super(InVolumeCV, self).__init__( name, cv_time_reversible=True ) self.volume = volume self._eval_dict = cd.Function( self._eval, requires_lists=False ) self._post = self._post > self._eval_dict
def _eval(self, items): return bool(self.volume(items)) to_dict = create_to_dict(['name', 'volume'])
class CallableCV(CollectiveVariable): """Turn any callable object into a storable :class:`CollectiveVariable`. Attributes ---------- _callable_dict The ChainDict that will call the actual function in case non of the preceding ChainDicts have returned data """ def __init__( self, name, cv_callable, cv_time_reversible=False, cv_requires_lists=False, cv_wrap_numpy_array=False, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=False, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- name cv_callable : callable (function or class with __call__) The callable to be used cv_time_reversible cv_requires_lists : If ``True`` the internal function always a list of elements instead of single values. It also means that if you call the CV with a list of snapshots a list of snapshot objects will be passed. If ``False`` a list of Snapshots like a trajectory will be passed snapshot by snapshot. cv_wrap_numpy_array : bool, default: False if ``True`` the returned array will be wrapped with a ``numpy.array()`` which will convert a list of numpy arrays into a single large numpy.array. This is useful for post-processing of larger data since numpy arrays are easier to manipulate. cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons : bool, default: True If ``True`` then arrays of length 1 will be treated as array with one dimension less. e.g. [[1], [2], [3]] will be turned into [1, 2, 3]. This is often useful, when you use en external function to get only a single value. **kwargs : kwargs a dictionary with named arguments which should be used with ``c``. Either for class creation or for calling the function Notes ----- This function is abstract and need _eval to be implemented to work. Problem is that there are two types of callable functions: 1. direct functions: these can be called and give the wanted value ``c(snapshot, **kwargs)`` would be the typical call 2. a generating function: a function the creates the callable object ``c(**kwargs)(snapshot)`` is the typical call. This is usually used for classes. Create the instance and then use it. This function is very powerful, but need some explanation if you want the function to be stored alongside all other information in your storage. The problem is that a python function relies (usually) on an underlying global namespace that can be accessed. This is especially important when using an iPython notebook. The problem is, that the function that stored your used-defined function has no knowledge about this underlying namespace and its variables. All it can save is names of variables from your namespace to be used. This means you can store arbitrary functions, but these will only work, if you call the reconstructed ones from the same context (scope). This is a powerful feature because a function might do something different in another context, but in our case we cannot store these additional information. What we can do, is analyse your function and determine which variables (if at all these are) and inform you, if you might run into trouble. To avoid problems you should try to: 1. import necessary modules inside of your function 2. create constants inside your function 3. if variables from the global scope are used these need to be stored with the function and this can only be done if they are passed as arguments to the function and added as kwargs to the FunctionCV >>> import openpathsampling as paths >>> def func(snapshot, indices): >>> import mdtraj as md >>> return md.compute_dihedrals( >>> paths.Trajectory([snapshot]).to_mdtraj(), indices=indices) >>> cv = FunctionCV('my_cv', func, indices=[[4, 6, 8, 10]]) The function will also check if non-standard modules are imported, which are now ``numpy``, ``math``, ``msmbuilder``, ``pandas`` and ``mdtraj`` """ super(CallableCV, self).__init__( name, cv_time_reversible=cv_time_reversible ) self.cv_requires_lists = cv_requires_lists self.cv_wrap_numpy_array = cv_wrap_numpy_array self.cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons = cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons self.cv_callable = cv_callable if kwargs is None: kwargs = dict() self.kwargs = kwargs self._eval_dict = cd.Function( self._eval, self.cv_requires_lists, self.cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons ) post = self._post > self._eval_dict if cv_wrap_numpy_array: # noinspection PyTypeChecker post = cd.MergeNumpy() > post self._post = post def to_dict(self): dct = super(CallableCV, self).to_dict() callable_argument = self.__class__.args()[2] dct[callable_argument] = ObjectJSON.callable_to_dict(self.cv_callable) dct['cv_requires_lists'] = self.cv_requires_lists dct['cv_wrap_numpy_array'] = self.cv_wrap_numpy_array dct['cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons'] = \ self.cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons dct['kwargs'] = self.kwargs return dct @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct): kwargs = dct['kwargs'] del dct['kwargs'] dct.update(kwargs) obj = cls(**dct) return obj # def __eq__(self, other): # """Override the default Equals behavior""" # if isinstance(other, self.__class__): # if != # return False # if self.kwargs != other.kwargs: # return False # if self.cv_callable is None or other.cv_callable is None: # return False # # self_code = get_code(self.cv_callable) # other_code = get_code(other.cv_callable) # if hasattr(self_code, 'op_code') \ # and hasattr(other_code, 'op_code') \ # and self_code.op_code != other_code.op_code: # # Compare Bytecode. Not perfect, but should be good enough # return False # # return True # # return NotImplemented __hash__ = CollectiveVariable.__hash__ def _eval(self, items): return items
[docs] class FunctionCV(CallableCV): """Turn any function into a :class:`CollectiveVariable`. Attributes ---------- cv_callable """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, f, cv_time_reversible=False, cv_requires_lists=False, cv_wrap_numpy_array=False, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=False, **kwargs ): r""" Parameters ---------- name : str f : (callable) function The function to be used cv_time_reversible cv_requires_lists cv_wrap_numpy_array cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons **kwargs: a dictionary of named arguments which should be given to ``cv_callable`` (for example, the atoms which define a specific distance/angle). Finally ``cv_callable(snapshots, **kwargs)`` is called See also -------- :class:`openpathsampling.collectivevariable.CallableCV` """ super(FunctionCV, self).__init__( name, cv_callable=f, cv_time_reversible=cv_time_reversible, cv_requires_lists=cv_requires_lists, cv_wrap_numpy_array=cv_wrap_numpy_array, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons, **kwargs )
@property def f(self): return self.cv_callable def _eval(self, items): # here the kwargs are used in the callable when it is evaluated return self.cv_callable(items, **self.kwargs)
[docs] class CoordinateFunctionCV(FunctionCV): """Turn any function into a :class:`CollectiveVariable`. Attributes ---------- cv_callable """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, f, cv_requires_lists=False, cv_wrap_numpy_array=False, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=False, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- name f cv_requires_lists cv_wrap_numpy_array cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons **kwargs See also -------- :class:`openpathsampling.collectivevariable.CallableCV` """ super(FunctionCV, self).__init__( name, cv_callable=f, cv_time_reversible=True, cv_requires_lists=cv_requires_lists, cv_wrap_numpy_array=cv_wrap_numpy_array, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons, **kwargs )
def to_dict(self): dct = super(CoordinateFunctionCV, self).to_dict() del dct['cv_time_reversible'] return dct
[docs] class GeneratorCV(CallableCV): """Turn a callable class or function generating a callable object into a CV The class instance will be called with snapshots. The instance itself will be created using the given ``**kwargs``. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, generator, cv_time_reversible=False, cv_requires_lists=False, cv_wrap_numpy_array=False, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=False, **kwargs ): r""" Parameters ---------- name generator : callable class a class where instances have a ``__call__`` attribute cv_time_reversible cv_requires_lists cv_wrap_numpy_array cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons **kwargs additional arguments which should be given to ``c`` (for example, the atoms which define a specific distance/angle). Finally an instance ``instance = cls(**kwargs)`` is created when the CV is created and using the CV will call ``instance(snapshots)`` Notes ----- Right now you cannot store user-defined classes. Only classes from external packages can be used. """ super(GeneratorCV, self).__init__( name, cv_callable=generator, cv_time_reversible=cv_time_reversible, cv_requires_lists=cv_requires_lists, cv_wrap_numpy_array=cv_wrap_numpy_array, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons, **kwargs ) # here the kwargs are used when the callable is created (so only once) self._instance = generator(**self.kwargs)
@property def instance(self): return self._instance @property def generator(self): return self.cv_callable def _eval(self, items): trajectory = paths.Trajectory(items) return [self._instance(snap) for snap in trajectory]
[docs] class CoordinateGeneratorCV(GeneratorCV): """Turn a callable class or function generating a callable object into a CV The class instance will be called with snapshots. The instance itself will be created using the given ``**kwargs``. """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, generator, cv_requires_lists=False, cv_wrap_numpy_array=False, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=False, **kwargs ): r""" Parameters ---------- name generator cv_requires_lists cv_wrap_numpy_array cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons **kwargs Notes ----- Right now you cannot store user-defined classes. Only classes from external packages can be used. """ super(CoordinateGeneratorCV, self).__init__( name, cv_callable=generator, cv_time_reversible=True, cv_requires_lists=cv_requires_lists, cv_wrap_numpy_array=cv_wrap_numpy_array, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons, **kwargs )
def to_dict(self): dct = super(CoordinateGeneratorCV, self).to_dict() del dct['cv_time_reversible'] return dct
[docs] class MDTrajFunctionCV(CoordinateFunctionCV): """Make ``CollectiveVariable`` from ``f`` that takes :class:`mdtraj.Trajectory` as input. This is identical to FunctionCV except that the function is called with an :class:`mdtraj.Trajectory` object instead of the :class:`openpathsampling.Trajectory` one using ``f(traj.to_mdtraj(), **kwargs)`` Examples -------- >>> # To create an order parameter which calculates the dihedral formed >>> # by atoms [7,9,15,17] (psi in Ala dipeptide): >>> import mdtraj as md >>> traj = 'paths.Trajectory()' >>> psi_atoms = [7,9,15,17] >>> psi_orderparam = FunctionCV("psi", md.compute_dihedrals, >>> indices=[[2,4,6,8]]) >>> print psi_orderparam( traj ) """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, f, topology, cv_requires_lists=True, cv_wrap_numpy_array=True, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=True, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- name : str f topology : :obj:`openpathsampling.engines.topology.MDTrajTopology` the mdtraj topology wrapper from OPS that is used to initialize the featurizer in ``pyemma.coordinates.featurizer(topology)`` cv_requires_lists cv_wrap_numpy_array cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons scalarize_numpy_singletons : bool, default: True If ``True`` then arrays of length 1 will be treated as array with one dimension less. e.g. ``[[1], [2], [3]]`` will be turned into ``[1, 2, 3]``. This is often useful, when you use en external function from mdtraj to get only a single value. """ super(MDTrajFunctionCV, self).__init__( name, f, cv_requires_lists=cv_requires_lists, cv_wrap_numpy_array=cv_wrap_numpy_array, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons, **kwargs ) self.topology = topology
def _eval(self, items): trajectory = paths.Trajectory(items) t = trajectory_to_mdtraj(trajectory, self.topology.mdtraj) return self.cv_callable(t, **self.kwargs) @property def mdtraj_function(self): return self.cv_callable def to_dict(self): return { 'name':, 'f': ObjectJSON.callable_to_dict(self.f), 'topology': self.topology, 'kwargs': self.kwargs, 'cv_requires_lists': self.cv_requires_lists, 'cv_wrap_numpy_array': self.cv_wrap_numpy_array, 'cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons': self.cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons }
[docs] @has_deprecations @deprecate(MSMBUILDER) class MSMBFeaturizerCV(CoordinateGeneratorCV): """A CollectiveVariable that uses an MSMBuilder3 featurizer"""
[docs] def __init__( self, name, featurizer, topology, cv_wrap_numpy_array=True, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=True, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- name featurizer : msmbuilder.Featurizer, callable the featurizer used as a callable class topology : :obj:`openpathsampling.engines.topology.MDTrajTopology` the mdtraj topology wrapper from OPS that is used to initialize the featurizer in ``pyemma.coordinates.featurizer(topology)`` **kwargs : a dictionary of named arguments which should be given to ``c`` (for example, the atoms which define a specific distance/angle). Finally an instance ``instance = cls(**kwargs)`` is created when the CV is created and using the CV will call ``instance(snapshots)`` cv_wrap_numpy_array cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons Notes ----- All trajectories or snapshots passed in kwargs will be converted to mdtraj objects for convenience """ md_kwargs = dict() md_kwargs.update(kwargs) # turn Snapshot and Trajectory into md.trajectory for key in md_kwargs: if isinstance(md_kwargs[key], paths.BaseSnapshot): md_kwargs[key] = md_kwargs[key].to_mdtraj() elif isinstance(md_kwargs[key], paths.Trajectory): md_kwargs[key] = md_kwargs[key].to_mdtraj() self._instance = featurizer(**md_kwargs) self.topology = topology super(GeneratorCV, self).__init__( name, cv_callable=featurizer, cv_time_reversible=True, cv_requires_lists=True, cv_wrap_numpy_array=cv_wrap_numpy_array, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons, **kwargs )
@property def featurizer(self): return self.cv_callable def _eval(self, items): trajectory = paths.Trajectory(items) # create an mdtraj trajectory out of it ptraj = trajectory_to_mdtraj(trajectory, self.topology.mdtraj) # run the featurizer return self._instance.partial_transform(ptraj) def to_dict(self): return { 'name':, 'featurizer': ObjectJSON.callable_to_dict(self.featurizer), 'topology': self.topology, 'kwargs': self.kwargs, 'cv_wrap_numpy_array': self.cv_wrap_numpy_array, 'cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons': self.cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons }
[docs] @has_deprecations @deprecate(PYEMMA) class PyEMMAFeaturizerCV(MSMBFeaturizerCV): """Make a CV from a function that takes mdtraj.trajectory as input. This is identical to :class:`CoordinateGeneratorCV` except that the function is called with an :class:`mdraj.Trajetory` object instead of the :class:`openpathsampling.Trajectory` one using ``fnc(traj.to_mdtraj(), **kwargs)`` """
[docs] def __init__( self, name, featurizer, topology, **kwargs ): """ Parameters ---------- name featurizer : :class:`pyemma.coordinates.featurizer` the pyemma featurizer used as a callable class topology : :obj:`openpathsampling.engines.topology.MDTrajTopology` the mdtraj topology wrapper from OPS that is used to initialize the featurizer in ``pyemma.coordinates.featurizer(topology)`` **kwargs : dict a dictionary of named arguments which should be given to the ``featurizer`` (for example, the atoms which define a specific distance/angle). Finally an instance ``instance = cls(**kwargs)`` is created when the CV is created and using the CV will call ``instance(snapshots)`` Notes ----- All trajectories or snapshots passed in kwargs will be converted to mdtraj objects for convenience """ md_kwargs = dict() md_kwargs.update(kwargs) # turn Snapshot and Trajectory into md.trajectory for key in md_kwargs: if isinstance(md_kwargs[key], paths.BaseSnapshot): md_kwargs[key] = md_kwargs[key].to_mdtraj() elif isinstance(md_kwargs[key], paths.Trajectory): md_kwargs[key] = md_kwargs[key].to_mdtraj() self.topology = topology import pyemma.coordinates self._instance = pyemma.coordinates.featurizer(self.topology.mdtraj) featurizer(self._instance, **md_kwargs) super(GeneratorCV, self).__init__( name, cv_callable=featurizer, cv_requires_lists=True, cv_wrap_numpy_array=True, cv_scalarize_numpy_singletons=True, **kwargs )
def _eval(self, items): trajectory = paths.Trajectory(items) t = trajectory_to_mdtraj(trajectory, self.topology.mdtraj) return self._instance.transform(t) def to_dict(self): return { 'name':, 'featurizer': ObjectJSON.callable_to_dict(self.featurizer), 'topology': self.topology, 'kwargs': self.kwargs }