Gromacs support in OpenPathSampling
OpenPathSampling supports Gromacs as an "external engine," meaning that
Gromacs itself runs as a coprocess, and OPS uses the file system as an
intermediary to monitor when a path needs to be terminated.
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from openpathsampling.integration_tools import md, HAS_MDTRAJ
TRRTrajectoryFile = md.formats.TRRTrajectoryFile
from openpathsampling.engines import ExternalEngine
from openpathsampling.engines import features
from openpathsampling.engines.snapshot import BaseSnapshot, SnapshotDescriptor
from openpathsampling.engines.topology import MDTrajTopology
from openpathsampling.engines.external_snapshots import \
ExternalMDSnapshot, InternalizedMDSnapshot
from openpathsampling.tools import ensure_file
import os
import psutil
import shlex
import time
import numpy as np
from openpathsampling.engines.external_engine import (
_debug_open_files, close_file_descriptors
def _remove_file_if_exists(filename): # pragma: no cover
# not requiring coverage here because it's part of Gromacs integration;
# gets covered if gmx is installed though
if os.path.isfile(filename):
class _GroFileEngine(ExternalEngine):
SnapshotClass = ExternalMDSnapshot
InternalizedSnapshotClass = InternalizedMDSnapshot
def __init__(self, gro):
self.gro = gro
traj = md.load(gro)
self.topology = MDTrajTopology(traj.topology)
n_atoms = self.topology.n_atoms
n_spatial = self.topology.n_spatial
descriptor = SnapshotDescriptor.construct(
snapshot_dimensions={'n_spatial': n_spatial,
'n_atoms': n_atoms}
super(_GroFileEngine, self).__init__(options={},
def to_dict(self):
return {'gro': self.gro}
def from_dict(cls, dct):
return cls(dct['gro'])
def read_frame_data(self, file_name, file_position):
traj = md.load(file_name)
xyz = traj.xyz[0]
vel = np.zeros(shape=xyz.shape)
box = traj.unitcell_vectors[0]
return (xyz, vel, box)
def snapshot_from_gro(gro_file):
template_engine = _GroFileEngine(gro_file)
snapshot = ExternalMDSnapshot(file_name=gro_file,
return snapshot
class GromacsEngine(ExternalEngine):
External engine wrapper for Gromacs (using indirect API).
This provides Gromacs support, using our indirect engine API (TODO
OPS runs Gromacs based on the mdp file that you provide. This mdp file
MUST output in the TRR format, and the velocity and position save
frequency in the TRR must be the same (that is, you need to have
``nstxout`` = ``nstvout``, and they must not be 0).
gro : string
File for the grompp ``-c`` flag. This is often a .gro, but note that
you may get better support with other integrations (e.g., MDTraj) if
you use a PDB.
mdp : string
.mdp file
top : string
.top file
options : dict
Dictionary of option name to value. Gromacs-specific option names
* ``gmx_executable``: Prefix to gromacs commands, which are run
as ``{gmx_prefix}command``. Default is 'gmx ' (note the
space). This allows you to use either Gromacs 4 or Gromacs 5,
as well as specifying the path to your version of Gromacs.
* ``grompp_args``: Additional arguments to ``grompp``. The
defaults take ``-c {self.gro} -f {self.mdp} -p {self.top}
-t {self.input_file}``, where the input filename is set by
:meth:`.set_filenames`. Default is the empty string.
* ``mdrun_args``: Additional arguments to ``mdrun``. The
defaults take ``-s topol.top -o self.output_file
-e self.edr_file -g self.log_file``, where the ``topol.top``
is generated by :meth:`.prepare`, and the other filenames are
set by :meth:`.set_filenames`. Default is the empty string.
* ``snapshot_timestep``: time between frames analysed by ops.
You keep track of the unit, I'd advise ps so the output
rates will be in ps. Example. 2 fs timestep in the mdp with
nstxout of 30 would give snapshot_timestep of 60 fs = 0.06 ps
base_dir : string
root directory where all files will be found (defaults to pwd)
prefix : string
prefix within ``base_dir`` for output folders (defaults to gmx)
_default_options = dict(ExternalEngine._default_options,
'gmx_executable': "gmx ",
'grompp_args': "",
'mdrun_args': "",
GROMPP_CMD = ("{e.options[gmx_executable]}grompp -c {e.gro} "
+ "-f {e.mdp} -p {e.top} -t {e.input_file} "
+ "-po {e.mdout_file} -o {e.tpr_file} "
+ "{e.options[grompp_args]}")
MDRUN_CMD = ("{e.options[gmx_executable]}mdrun -s {e.tpr_file} "
+ "-o {e.output_file} -e {e.edr_file} -g {e.log_file} "
+ "{mdrun_args}")
# use these as CMD.format(e=engine, **engine.options)
SnapshotClass = ExternalMDSnapshot
InternalizedSnapshotClass = InternalizedMDSnapshot
clear_snapshot_cache = True
def __init__(self, gro, mdp, top, options, base_dir="", prefix="gmx"):
self.base_dir = base_dir
self.gro = os.path.join(base_dir, gro)
self.mdp = os.path.join(base_dir, mdp)
self.top = os.path.join(base_dir, top)
self.prefix = os.path.join(base_dir, prefix)
self.gro_contents, self._gro_hash = ensure_file(self.gro)
self.mdp_contents, self._mdp_hash = ensure_file(self.mdp)
self.top_contents, self._top_hash = ensure_file(self.top)
# TODO: move to a later stage, before first traj
dirs = [self.prefix + s for s in ['_trr', '_log', '_edr']]
for d in dirs:
except OSError:
pass # the directory already exists
self._file = None # file open/close efficiency
self._last_filename = None
# TODO: add snapshot_timestep; first via options, later read mdp
template = snapshot_from_gro(self.gro)
self.topology = template.topology
descriptor = template.engine.descriptor # descriptor from gro file
# initial placeholders
self.input_file = "INITIAL.trr"
self.output_file = self.prefix + "_trr/OUTPUT_NAME.trr"
self.edr_file = self.prefix + "_edr/OUTPUT_NAME.edr"
self.log_file = self.prefix + "_log/OUTPUT_NAME.log"
self.tpr_file = "topol.tpr"
self.mdout_file = "mdout.mdp"
self._mdtraj_topology = None
super(GromacsEngine, self).__init__(options, descriptor, template,
def to_dict(self):
dct = super(GromacsEngine, self).to_dict()
local_dct = {
'gro': self.gro,
'mdp': self.mdp,
'top': self.top,
'options': self.options,
'base_dir': self.base_dir,
'prefix': self.prefix,
'gro_contents': self.gro_contents,
'mdp_contents': self.mdp_contents,
'top_contents': self.top_contents,
return dct
def from_dict(cls, dct):
dct = dict(dct) # make a copy
for ftype in ['gro', 'top', 'mdp']:
contents = dct.pop(ftype + "_contents")
_ = ensure_file(filename=dct[ftype], old_contents=contents)
return super(GromacsEngine, cls).from_dict(dct)
def mdtraj_topology(self):
if self._mdtraj_topology:
return self._mdtraj_topology
return self.topology.mdtraj
def mdtraj_topology(self, value):
self._mdtraj_topology = value
def read_frame_data(self, filename, frame_num):
Returns pos, vel, box or raises error
# if self._last_filename != filename:
# try:
# self._file.close()
# except AttributeError:
# pass # first time thru, self._file is None
# self._file = TRRTrajectoryFile(filename)
# f = self._file
# do we need to reopen the TRR each time to avoid problems with the
# fiel length changing?
trr = TRRTrajectoryFile(filename)
f = trr
logger.debug("Reading file %s frame %d (of %d)",
filename, frame_num, len(f))
# logger.debug("File length: %d", len(f))
data = f._read(n_frames=1, atom_indices=None, get_velocities=True)
return data[0][0], data[5][0], data[3][0]
def read_frame_from_file(self, file_name, frame_num):
# note: this only needs to return the file pointers -- but should
# only do so once that frame has been written!
basename = os.path.basename(file_name)
# basename should be in the format [0-9]+\.trr (as set by the
# trajectory_filename method)
# file_number = int(basename.split('.')[0])
xyz, vel, box = self.read_frame_data(file_name, frame_num)
except (IndexError, OSError, IOError) as e:
# this means that no such frame exists yet, so we return None
# IndexError in older version, OSError more recently (specific
# MDTraj error)
logger.debug("Expected exception caught: " + str(e))
return None
except RuntimeError as e:
# TODO: matches "TRR read error"
logger.debug("Received partial frame for %s %d", file_name,
return 'partial'
logger.debug("Creating snapshot")
snapshot = ExternalMDSnapshot(file_name=file_name,
return snapshot
def write_frame_to_file(self, filename, snapshot, mode='w'):
if os.path.isfile(filename):
# stop if we already have this file; could also happen because
# of a weird behavior in a mover. You must remove the files if
# you don't want them.
raise RuntimeError("File " + str(filename) + " exists. "
+ "Preventing overwrite.")
# type control before passing things to Cython code
xyz = np.asarray([snapshot.xyz], dtype=np.float32)
time = np.asarray([0.0], dtype=np.float32)
step = np.asarray([0], dtype=np.int32)
box = np.asarray([np.asarray(snapshot.box_vectors)], dtype=np.float32)
lambd = np.asarray([0.0], dtype=np.float32)
vel = np.asarray([np.asarray(snapshot.velocities)], dtype=np.float32)
trr = TRRTrajectoryFile(filename, mode)
trr._write(xyz, time, step, box, lambd, vel)
def trajectory_filename(self, number):
# TODO: remove code path allowing ints (API break for 2.0)
trr_dir = self.prefix + "_trr/"
if isinstance(number, int):
num_str = num_str = '{:07d}'.format(number)
num_str = number
return trr_dir + num_str + '.trr'
def set_filenames(self, number):
if isinstance(number, int):
num_str = '{:07d}'.format(number + 1)
self.output_file = self.trajectory_filename(number + 1)
init_filename = "initial_frame.trr"
self.filename_setter.reset(number + 1)
num_str = number
self.output_file = self.trajectory_filename(num_str)
init_filename = num_str + "_initial_frame.trr"
self.mdout = num_str + "_mdout.mdp"
self.tpr_file = num_str + "_" + "topol.tpr"
self.input_file = os.path.join(self.base_dir, init_filename)
self.edr_file = os.path.join(self.prefix + "_edr", num_str + '.edr')
self.log_file = os.path.join(self.prefix + "_log", num_str + '.log')
def grompp_command(self):
cmd = self.GROMPP_CMD.format(e=self)
return cmd
def prepare(self): # pragma: no cover
# coverage ignored b/c Travis won't have gmx. However, we do have a
# test that covers this if gmx is present (otherwise it is skipped)
# ensure that the files haven't changed before we run trajectory
_ = ensure_file(self.gro, self.gro_contents, self._gro_hash)
_ = ensure_file(self.mdp, self.mdp_contents, self._mdp_hash)
_ = ensure_file(self.top, self.top_contents, self._top_hash)
# grompp and mdrun
cmd = self.grompp_command
run_cmd = shlex.split(cmd)
return_code = psutil.Popen(run_cmd, preexec_fn=os.setsid).wait()
return return_code
def cleanup(self): # pragma: no cover
# tested when traj is run, which we don't on CI
def engine_command(self):
args = self.options['mdrun_args'].format(prev_traj=self._traj_num-1,
cmd = self.MDRUN_CMD.format(e=self, mdrun_args=args)
return cmd