import math
import numpy as np
from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import StorableNamedObject
class ToyIntegrator(StorableNamedObject):
Abstract base class for toy engine integrators.
def __init__(self):
super(StorableNamedObject, self).__init__()
class LeapfrogVerletIntegrator(ToyIntegrator):
"""Leapfrog Verlet integrator
Not for actual use, but the momentum and position update functions are
used in other integrators, so we inherit from this.
dt : float
time step
dd = None
def __init__(self, dt):
super(LeapfrogVerletIntegrator, self).__init__()
self.dt = dt
def _momentum_update(self, sys, mydt):
sys.velocities -= sys.pes.dVdx(sys)*sys._minv*mydt
def _position_update(self, sys, mydt):
sys.positions += sys.velocities * mydt
def step(self, sys):
Take an MD step. Update in-place.
sys : :class:`.ToyEngine`
engine contains its state, including velocities and masses
self._position_update(sys, 0.5*self.dt)
self._momentum_update(sys, self.dt)
self._position_update(sys, 0.5*self.dt)
class LangevinBAOABIntegrator(LeapfrogVerletIntegrator):
"""Langevin integrator for simple toy models
Implementation of the BAOAB integrator of Leimkuhler and Matthews [1]_.
In particular, see the appendix on p.54 of that reference, which is
where we take our notation from.
dt : float
time step
temperature : float
gamma : float
friction constant for the Langevin equation
beta : float
inverse temperature
c1 : float
c1 parameter from Leimkuhler and Matthews
c2 : float
c2 parameter from Leimkuhler and Matthews
c3 : float
c3 parameter from Leimkuhler and Matthews
.. [1] B. Leimkuhler and C. Matthews. "Rational Construction of
Stochastic Numerical Methods for Molecular Sampling." Appl. Math.
Res. Express, 2013, 34-56 (2013). doi:10.1093/amrx/abs010
def __init__(self, dt, temperature, gamma):
super(LangevinBAOABIntegrator, self).__init__(dt)
self._beta = 1.0 / temperature
self._c1 = math.exp(-gamma*dt)
self._c2 = (1.0-self._c1)/gamma
self._c3 = math.sqrt((1.0 - self._c1*self._c1) / self._beta)
self.temperature = temperature
self.gamma = gamma
def beta(self):
return self._beta
def c1(self):
return self._c1
def c2(self):
return self._c2
def c3(self):
return self._c3
def _OU_update(self, sys, mydt):
R = np.random.normal(size=len(sys.velocities))
sys.velocities = (self._c1 * sys.velocities +
self._c3 * np.sqrt(sys._minv) * R)
def step(self, sys):
Take an MD step. Update in-place.
sys : :class:`.ToyEngine`
engine contains its state, including velocities and masses
self._momentum_update(sys, 0.5*self.dt)
self._position_update(sys, 0.5*self.dt)
self._OU_update(sys, self.dt)
self._position_update(sys, 0.5*self.dt)
self._momentum_update(sys, 0.5*self.dt)
class OverdampedLangevinIntegrator(ToyIntegrator):
"""Over-damped Langevin integrator
Simple integrator for over-damped Langevin dynamics.
dt : float
time step
temperature : float
D : float
diffusion constant
dd = None
def __init__(self, dt, temperature, D):
super(OverdampedLangevinIntegrator, self).__init__()
self.dt = dt
self.temperature = temperature
self.beta = 1.0 / temperature
self.D = D
self.A = D * dt / temperature
self.R = np.sqrt(2.0 * D * dt)
def _position_update(self, sys, mydt):
sys.positions += - self.A * np.array(sys.pes.dVdx(sys)) \
+ self.R * np.random.normal(size=len(sys.positions))
def step(self, sys):
Take an MD step. Update in-place.
sys : :class:`.ToyEngine`
engine contains its state, including velocities and masses
self._position_update(sys, self.dt)