Source code for openpathsampling.high_level.interface_set

import openpathsampling as paths
import openpathsampling.netcdfplus as netcdfplus
import collections
import copy

from functools import partial

def _cv_max_func(trajectory, cv):
    return max(cv(trajectory))

def _netcdfplus_cv_max(cv):
    return paths.netcdfplus.FunctionPseudoAttribute(
        name="max " +,

def _simstore_cv_max(cv):
    from openpathsampling.experimental.simstore import StorableFunction
    return StorableFunction(
    ).named("max " +

[docs] class InterfaceSet(netcdfplus.StorableNamedObject): """List of volumes representing a set of interfaces, plus metadata. Implements (immutable) list API, such that the InterfaceSet can act like a list of the interface volumes. Parameters ---------- volumes : list of :class:`.Volume` volumes representing the interfaces cv : :class:`.CollectiveVariable` order parameter for this interface set lambdas : list values associated with the CV at each interface cv_max : :class:`.netcdfplus.PseudoAttribute` function to calculate the maximum value of the CV (if not given, will be generated from ``cv`` if that is given) """ # This is a class variable because more than one interface set may use # the same CV (with different interface values) -- common in testing. _cv_max_dict = {} simstore = False
[docs] def __init__(self, volumes, cv=None, lambdas=None, cv_max=None, direction=None): super(InterfaceSet, self).__init__() self.volumes = volumes = cv known_cvs = list(self._cv_max_dict.keys()) if cv_max is None: if in known_cvs: self.cv_max = self._cv_max_dict[] # NOTE: If KeyError occurs, see InterfaceSet._reset() elif is not None: factory = {True: _simstore_cv_max, False: _netcdfplus_cv_max}[self.simstore] self.cv_max = factory(cv) else: self.cv_max = None else: self.cv_max = cv_max if is not None and not in known_cvs: self._cv_max_dict[] = self.cv_max self.lambdas = lambdas self.direction = direction if direction is None and lambdas is not None: # we guess based on the values of lambda # if they aren't monotone, we can't tell and return 0 count = len(lambdas)-1 increasing = sum([lambdas[i+1] >= lambdas[i] for i in range(len(lambdas)-1)]) == count decreasing = sum([lambdas[i+1] <= lambdas[i] for i in range(len(lambdas)-1)]) == count if increasing: self.direction = 1 elif decreasing: self.direction = -1 if self.direction is None: self.direction = 0 self._set_lambda_dict()
@classmethod def _reset(cls): """Reset the max_cv_dict. Used in testing, when CVs of the same name get created multiple times as part of tests. This is only a problem if you have (in memory) multiple CV objects with the same name. That can occur in tests (where the entire test suite is run on one import) but should never happen in normal practice. """ cls._cv_max_dict = {} def _set_lambda_dict(self): vlambdas = self.lambdas if vlambdas is None: vlambdas = [None]*len(self.volumes) self._lambda_dict = {vol: lmbda for (vol, lmbda) in zip(self.volumes, vlambdas)} def get_lambda(self, volume): """Lambda (value of the CV) associated with a given interface volume Parameters ---------- volume : :class:`.Volume` the interface volume Returns ------- float or int the value of the CV associated with the interface """ return self._lambda_dict[volume] def _slice_dict(self, slicer): dct = self.to_dict() dct['volumes'] = self.volumes[slicer] try: dct['lambdas'] = self.lambdas[slicer] except TypeError: dct['lambdas'] = self.lambdas return dct def __len__(self): return len(self.volumes) def __getitem__(self, key): result = self.volumes[key] if type(result) is list: return self.from_dict(self._slice_dict(key)) else: return result def __iter__(self): return iter(self.volumes) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self.volumes def __reversed__(self): return self.volumes.__reversed__()
[docs] class GenericVolumeInterfaceSet(InterfaceSet): """Abstract class for InterfaceSets for CVRange-based volumes. Subclasses act as factories for interface volumes, as well as holding the metadata about them. Parameters ---------- cv : :class:`.CollectiveVariable` the collective variable for this interface set minvals : float or int or list of float or list of int the minimum value(s) for the interface set maxvals : float or int or list of float or list of int the maximum value(s) for the interface set intersect_with : :class:`.Volume` output volumes will be intersected (`&`) with this. volume_func : callable, returns :class:.`Volume`, takes minval, maxval the function to create the interface volume based on the CV. Typically the differentiating factor of subclasses. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cv, minvals, maxvals, intersect_with, volume_func): if intersect_with is None: intersect_with = paths.FullVolume() self.intersect_with = intersect_with self.minvals = minvals self.maxvals = maxvals minvs, maxvs, direction = self._sanitize_input(minvals, maxvals) lambdas = {1: maxvs, -1: minvs, 0: None}[direction] volumes = [self.intersect_with & volume_func(minv, maxv) for (minv, maxv) in zip(minvs, maxvs)] super(GenericVolumeInterfaceSet, self).__init__( volumes=volumes, cv=cv, lambdas=lambdas, direction=direction) self._set_volume_func(volume_func)
def _slice_dict(self, slicer): dct = super(GenericVolumeInterfaceSet, self)._slice_dict(slicer) try: dct['minvals'] = self.minvals[slicer] except TypeError: dct['minvals'] = self.minvals try: dct['maxvals'] = self.maxvals[slicer] except TypeError: dct['maxvals'] = self.maxvals return dct def _set_volume_func(self, volume_func): if self.direction == 0: self.volume_func = volume_func elif self.direction > 0: self.volume_func = lambda maxv: volume_func(self.minvals, maxv) elif self.direction < 0: self.volume_func = lambda minv: volume_func(minv, self.maxvals) def to_dict(self): dct = {'cv':, 'minvals': self.minvals, 'maxvals': self.maxvals, 'intersect_with': self.intersect_with, 'lambdas': self.lambdas, 'direction': self.direction, 'volumes': self.volumes} try: dct.update({'cv_max': self.cv_max}) except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover # reverse compatibility; deprecated in 0.9.5, remove in 2.0 pass return dct def _load_from_dict(self, dct): = dct['cv'] try: self.cv_max = dct['cv_max'] except KeyError: # pragma: no cover # reverse compatibility; deprecated in 0.9.4, remove in 2.0 pass self.minvals = dct['minvals'] self.maxvals = dct['maxvals'] self.intersect_with = dct['intersect_with'] self.lambdas = dct['lambdas'] self.direction = dct['direction'] self.volumes = dct['volumes'] self._set_lambda_dict() @staticmethod def _sanitize_input(minvals, maxvals): """Normalizes the input of minvals and maxvals. Parameters ---------- minvals : float or int or list of float or list of int the minimum value(s) for the interface set maxvals : float or int or list of float or list of int the maximum value(s) for the interface set Returns ------- minvals : list minimum values as a list maxvals : list maximum values as a list direction : 1, -1, or 0 whether the maximum value are increasing (1), the minimum values are decreasing (-1), or it is unclear (0). "Unclear" can happen if both are changing or if neither are changing. """ direction = 0 try: len_min = len(minvals) except TypeError: len_min = 1 minvals = [minvals] try: len_max = len(maxvals) except TypeError: len_max = 1 maxvals = [maxvals] if len_min == len_max: # check if all elements of each list matches its first element if minvals.count(minvals[0]) == len_min: direction += 1 if maxvals.count(maxvals[0]) == len_max: direction += -1 # this approach means that if multiple vals are equal (for some # drunken reason, you decided to have a bunch of equivalent # volumes?) we return that we can't tell the direction elif len_max > len_min == 1: direction = 1 elif len_min > len_max == 1: direction = -1 else: raise RuntimeError("Can't reconcile array lengths: " + str(minvals) + ", " + str(maxvals)) minvs = minvals maxvs = maxvals if len_min == 1: minvs = minvs*len(maxvs) if len_max == 1: maxvs = maxvs*len(minvs) return minvs, maxvs, direction def new_interface(self, lambda_i): """Creates a new interface at lambda_i. Note ---- This only returns the interface; it does *not* add it to this interface set. Parameters ---------- lambda_i : float or int the value of the CV to associated with the new interface. Returns ------- :class:`.Volume` new interface volume Raises ------ TypeError If the volume_func requires both a minimum and a maximum value of lambda. Message will say "<lambda>() takes exactly 2 arguments (1 given)". """ return self.intersect_with & self.volume_func(lambda_i)
[docs] class VolumeInterfaceSet(GenericVolumeInterfaceSet): """InterfaceSet based on CVDefinedVolume. Parameters ---------- cv : :class:`.CollectiveVariable` the collective variable for this interface set minvals : float or int or list of float or list of int the minimum value(s) for the interface set maxvals : float or int or list of float or list of int the maximum value(s) for the interface set intersect_with : :class:`.Volume` output volumes will be intersected (`&`) with this. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cv, minvals, maxvals, intersect_with=None): volume_func = lambda minv, maxv: paths.CVDefinedVolume(cv, minv, maxv) super(VolumeInterfaceSet, self).__init__(cv, minvals, maxvals, intersect_with, volume_func)
@staticmethod def from_dict(dct): interface_set = VolumeInterfaceSet.__new__(VolumeInterfaceSet) interface_set._load_from_dict(dct) volume_func = lambda minv, maxv: paths.CVDefinedVolume(, minv, maxv ) super(InterfaceSet, interface_set).__init__() interface_set._set_volume_func(volume_func) return interface_set
[docs] class PeriodicVolumeInterfaceSet(GenericVolumeInterfaceSet): """InterfaceSet based on PeriodicCVDefinedVolume. Parameters ---------- cv : :class:`.CollectiveVariable` the collective variable for this interface set minvals : float or int or list of float or list of int the minimum value(s) for the interface set maxvals : float or int or list of float or list of int the maximum value(s) for the interface set period_min : float (optional) minimum of the periodic domain period_max : float (optional) maximum of the periodic domain intersect_with : :class:`.Volume` output volumes will be intersected (`&`) with this. """
[docs] def __init__(self, cv, minvals, maxvals, period_min=None, period_max=None, intersect_with=None): volume_func = lambda minv, maxv: paths.PeriodicCVDefinedVolume( cv, minv, maxv, period_min, period_max ) self.period_min = period_min self.period_max = period_max super(PeriodicVolumeInterfaceSet, self).__init__(cv, minvals, maxvals, intersect_with, volume_func)
def to_dict(self): dct = super(PeriodicVolumeInterfaceSet, self).to_dict() dct['period_min'] = self.period_min dct['period_max'] = self.period_max return dct @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dct): interface_set = cls.__new__(cls) interface_set._load_from_dict(dct) interface_set.period_min = dct['period_min'] interface_set.period_max = dct['period_max'] volume_func = lambda minv, maxv: paths.PeriodicCVDefinedVolume(, minv, maxv, interface_set.period_min, interface_set.period_max ) super(InterfaceSet, interface_set).__init__() interface_set._set_volume_func(volume_func) return interface_set