Source code for openpathsampling.netcdfplus.cache

from collections import OrderedDict
import weakref

__author__ = 'Jan-Hendrik Prinz'

[docs] class Cache(object): """ A cache like dict """ @property def count(self): """ int : the number of strong references int : the number of weak references """ return len(self), 0 @property def size(self): """ int : the maximal number of strong references, -1 if infinite int : the maximal number of weak references, -1 if infinite """ return -1, -1 def __str__(self): size = self.count maximum = self.size return '%s(%d/%d of %s/%s)' % ( self.__class__.__name__, size[0], size[1], 'Inf' if maximum[0] < 0 else str(maximum[0]), 'Inf' if maximum[1] < 0 else str(maximum[1]) ) def __getitem__(self, item): raise KeyError("No items") def __setitem__(self, key, value): pass def get(self, item, default=None): """ get value by key if it exists, None else Parameters ---------- item : `object` key to select element in cache default : `object` return value if item is not present in cache Returns ------- `object` or `None` cached value at key item if present, returns default otherwise """ try: return self[item] except KeyError: return default def transfer(self, old_cache): """ Transfer values between caches Useful if during run-time a cache is replaced by another instance Parameters ---------- old_cache : the cache from which this cache is to be filled """ size = self.size if size[0] == -1 or size[1] == -1: for key in reversed(list(old_cache)): try: self[key] = old_cache[key] except KeyError: pass else: for key in reversed(list(old_cache)[0:size[0] + size[1]]): try: self[key] = old_cache[key] except KeyError: pass return self get_silent = get
[docs] class NoCache(Cache): """ A virtual cache the contains no elements """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(NoCache, self).__init__()
def __getitem__(self, item): raise KeyError('No Cache has no items') def __contains__(self, item): return False def __setitem__(self, key, value): pass def __iter__(self): return iter([]) @property def count(self): return 0, 0 @property def size(self): return 0, 0 def items(self): return [] def transfer(self, old_cache): return self def clear(self): pass
[docs] class MaxCache(dict, Cache): """ A dictionary, can hold infinite strong references """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(MaxCache, self).__init__() Cache.__init__(self)
@property def count(self): return len(self), 0 @property def size(self): return -1, 0
[docs] class LRUCache(Cache): """ Implements a simple Least Recently Used Cache Very simple using collections.OrderedDict. The size can be changed during run-time """
[docs] def __init__(self, size_limit): super(LRUCache, self).__init__() self._size_limit = size_limit self._cache = OrderedDict()
@property def count(self): return len(self._cache), 0 @property def size(self): return self.size_limit, 0 @property def size_limit(self): return self._size_limit @size_limit.setter def size_limit(self, new_size): if new_size < self.size_limit: self._check_size_limit() self._size_limit = new_size def __iter__(self): return iter(self._cache) def __reversed__(self): return reversed(self._cache) def __getitem__(self, item): obj = self._cache.pop(item) self._cache[item] = obj return obj def __setitem__(self, key, value, **kwargs): self._cache[key] = value self._check_size_limit() def _check_size_limit(self): while len(self._cache) > self.size_limit: self._cache.popitem(last=False) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._cache def clear(self): self._cache.clear() def __len__(self): return len(self._cache)
[docs] class WeakLRUCache(Cache): """ Implements a cache that keeps weak references to all elements In addition it uses a simple Least Recently Used Cache to make sure a portion of the last used elements are still present. Usually this number is 100. """
[docs] def __init__(self, size_limit=100, weak_type='value'): """ Parameters ---------- size_limit : int integer that defines the size of the LRU cache. Default is 100. """ super(WeakLRUCache, self).__init__() self._size_limit = size_limit self.weak_type = weak_type if weak_type == 'value': self._weak_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() elif weak_type == 'key': self._weak_cache = weakref.WeakKeyDictionary() else: raise ValueError("weak_type must be either 'key' or 'value'") self._cache = OrderedDict()
@property def count(self): return len(self._cache), len(self._weak_cache) @property def size(self): return self._size_limit, -1 def clear(self): self._cache.clear() self._weak_cache.clear() @property def size_limit(self): return self._size_limit def __getitem__(self, item): try: obj = self._cache.pop(item) self._cache[item] = obj return obj except KeyError: obj = self._weak_cache[item] del self._weak_cache[item] self._cache[item] = obj self._check_size_limit() return obj @size_limit.setter def size_limit(self, new_size): if new_size < self.size_limit: self._check_size_limit() self._size_limit = new_size def __setitem__(self, key, value, **kwargs): try: self._cache.pop(key) except KeyError: pass self._cache[key] = value self._check_size_limit() def get_silent(self, item): """ Return item from the without reordering the LRU Parameters ---------- item : object the item index to be retrieved from the cache Returns ------- `object` or `None` the requested object if it exists else `None` """ if item is None: return None try: return self._cache[item] except KeyError: try: return self._weak_cache[item] except KeyError: return None def _check_size_limit(self): if self.size_limit is not None: while len(self._cache) > self.size_limit: self._weak_cache.__setitem__(*self._cache.popitem(last=False)) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._cache or item in self._weak_cache def keys(self): return self._cache.keys() + self._weak_cache.keys() def values(self): return self._cache.values() + self._weak_cache.values() def __len__(self): return len(self._cache) + len(self._weak_cache) def __iter__(self): for key in self._cache.keys(): yield key for key in self._weak_cache.keys(): yield key def __reversed__(self): for key in reversed(self._weak_cache): yield key for key in reversed(self._cache): yield key
[docs] class WeakValueCache(weakref.WeakValueDictionary, Cache): """ Implements a cache that keeps weak references to all elements """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): weakref.WeakValueDictionary.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) Cache.__init__(self)
@property def count(self): return 0, len(self) @property def size(self): return 0, -1
[docs] class WeakKeyCache(weakref.WeakKeyDictionary, Cache): """ Implements a cache that keeps weak references to all elements """ @property def count(self): return 0, len(self) @property def size(self): return 0, -1
class LRUChunkLoadingCache(Cache): """ Implements a cache that keeps references loaded in chunks """ def __init__(self, chunksize=256, max_chunks=4*8192, variable=None): super(LRUChunkLoadingCache, self).__init__() self.max_chunks = max_chunks self.chunksize = chunksize self.variable = variable self._chunkdict = OrderedDict() self._firstchunk = 0 self._lastchunk = [] if variable is not None: self._size = len(self.variable) else: self._size = 0 self._lastchunk_idx = self._size // self.chunksize @property def count(self): return sum(map(len, self._chunkdict.values())), 0 @property def size(self): return self.max_chunks * self.chunksize, 0 def clear(self): self._chunkdict.clear() self._firstchunk = 0 self._lastchunk = [] def update_size(self, size=None): """ Update the knowledge of the size of the attached store Parameters ---------- size : int the new size to be used. If `None` (default) the size is taken from the store directly using `len(store)` Returns ------- """ if size is None: self._size = len(self.variable) else: self._size = size self._lastchunk_idx = (self._size - 1) // self.chunksize def load_chunk(self, chunk_idx): """ Load a specific chunk Parameters ---------- chunk_idx : int the integer index of the chunk to be loaded from the attached store. This might cause the last used chunk to be removed if the maximal number of allowed chunks is reached """ if chunk_idx <= self._lastchunk_idx: if chunk_idx not in self._chunkdict: # chunk not cached, load full left = chunk_idx * self.chunksize right = min(self._size, left + self.chunksize) self._chunkdict[chunk_idx] = [] self._chunkdict[chunk_idx].extend(self.variable[left:right]) self._check_size_limit() elif len(self._chunkdict[chunk_idx]) < self.chunksize: # incomplete chunk, load rest chunk = self._chunkdict[chunk_idx] left = chunk_idx * self.chunksize + len(chunk) right = min(self._size, (chunk_idx + 1) * self.chunksize) if right > left: chunk.extend(self.variable[left:right]) def _update_chunk_order(self, chunk_idx): chunk = self._chunkdict[chunk_idx] del self._chunkdict[chunk_idx] self._chunkdict[chunk_idx] = chunk self._firstchunk = chunk_idx def __getitem__(self, item): chunksize = self.chunksize chunk_idx = item // chunksize if chunk_idx in self._chunkdict: try: obj = self._chunkdict[chunk_idx][item % chunksize] if chunk_idx != self._firstchunk: self._update_chunk_order(chunk_idx) return obj except IndexError: pass self.load_chunk(chunk_idx) try: return self._chunkdict[chunk_idx][item % chunksize] except IndexError: raise KeyError(item) def load_max(self): """ Fill the cache with as many chunks as possible """ self.update_size() map(self.load_chunk, range(0, min( 1 + (self._size - 1) // self.chunksize, self.max_chunks ))) def __setitem__(self, key, value, **kwargs): chunk_idx = key // self.chunksize if chunk_idx in self._chunkdict: chunk = self._chunkdict[chunk_idx] else: chunk = [] self._chunkdict[chunk_idx] = chunk left = chunk_idx * self.chunksize + len(chunk) right = key if right > left: chunk.extend(self.variable[left:right]) chunk.append(value) if chunk_idx != self._firstchunk: self._update_chunk_order(chunk_idx) self._check_size_limit() if key >= self._size: self.update_size(key + 1) def _check_size_limit(self): if len(self._chunkdict) > self.max_chunks: self._chunkdict.popitem(last=False) def __contains__(self, item): return any(item in chunk for chunk in self._chunkdict) def keys(self): return sum(map(lambda x: x.keys(), self._chunkdict)) def values(self): return sum(map(lambda x: x.values(), self._chunkdict)) def __len__(self): return sum(map(len, self._chunkdict)) def __iter__(self): for chunk in self._chunkdict.values(): for key in chunk.keys(): yield key def __reversed__(self): for chunk in reversed(self._chunkdict.values()): for key in reversed(chunk.keys()): yield key