Source code for openpathsampling.numerics.wham

#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import print_function

# The Weighted Histogram Analysis Method (WHAM) for combining histograms
# from several files.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import sys
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class WHAM(object): """ Weighted Histogram Analysis Method Notes ----- Several parts of the docstrings mention F&S, which is intended to refer the reader to reference [1]_, in particular pages 184-187 in the 2nd edition (section called "Self-Consistent Histogram Method"). Other terminology: n_hists refers to the number of histograms, n_bins refers to the number of bins per histogram. Thus the input is a matrix of n_bins rows and n_hists columns. References ---------- .. [1] Daan Frenkel and Berend Smit. Understanding Molecular Simulation: From Algorithms to Applications. 2nd Edition. 2002. Parameters ---------- tol : float tolerance for convergence or equality. default 10e-10 max_iter : int maximum number of iterations. Default 1000000 cutoff : float windowing cutoff, as fraction of maximum value. Default 0.05 Attributes ---------- sample_every : int frequency (in iterations) to report debug information """
[docs] def __init__(self, tol=1e-10, max_iter=1000000, cutoff=0.05, interfaces=None): self.tol = tol self.max_iter = max_iter self.cutoff = cutoff self.interfaces = interfaces self.sample_every = max_iter + 1 self._float_format = "10.8" self.lnZ = None
@property def float_format(self): """Float output format. Example: 10.8 (default)""" return lambda x: "{:" + self._float_format + "f}".format(x) @float_format.setter def float_format(self, value): self._float_format = value def load_files(self, fnames): # pragma: no cover """Load a file or files into the internal structures. Requires either pandas or something else with pandas-like read_table and concat functions. Parameters ---------- fnames : string or list of string file(s) to read in; each gives a column of the dataframe, with common indexes (keys) Returns ------- pd.DataFrame dataframe with each input histogram in a column """ # TODO: add some validation of formatting frames = [] try: for fname in fnames: frames.append(pd.read_table(fname, index_col=0, sep=" ", usecols=[0, 1], header=None)) except TypeError: frames.append(pd.read_table(fnames, index_col=0, sep=" ", usecols=[0, 1], header=None)) fnames = [fnames] df = pd.concat(frames, axis=1) df.columns = fnames return df def prep_reverse_cumulative(self, df, cutoff=None, tol=None): """ Created cleaned dataframe for further analysis. This version assumes that the input is the result of a reversed cumulative histogram. That means that it cleans leading input where the initial Parameters ---------- df : pandas.DataFrame input dataframe cutoff : float windowing cutoff, as fraction of maximum value tol : float tolerance for two values being "equal" Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame version of the dataframe with leading constant values removed and without anything under the cutoff. This is often referred to as the "cleaned input dataframe" in other functions """ if cutoff is None: cutoff = self.cutoff if tol is None: tol = self.tol # clear things that don't pass the cutoff hist_max = df.max(axis=0) raw_cutoff = cutoff*hist_max cleaned_df = df.apply( lambda s: [x if x > raw_cutoff[] else 0.0 for x in s] ) if self.interfaces is not None: # use the interfaces values to set anything before that value to # zero if type(self.interfaces) is not pd.Series: self.interfaces = pd.Series(data=self.interfaces, index=df.columns) greater_almost_equal = lambda a, b: (a >= b or abs(a - b) < 10e-10) cleaned_df = cleaned_df.apply( lambda s: [ ( s.iloc[i] if greater_almost_equal(s.index[i], self.interfaces[]) else 0.0 ) for i in range(len(s)) ] ) else: # clear duplicates of leading values test_f = lambda val1, val2, val_max: ( abs(val1 - val2) > tol or abs(val1 - val_max) > tol ) cleaned_df = cleaned_df.apply( lambda s: [ s.iloc[i] if test_f(s.iloc[i], s.iloc[i+1], s.max()) else 0.0 for i in range(len(s)-1) ] + [s.iloc[-1]] ) return cleaned_df def unweighting_tis(self, cleaned_df): """ Calculates the "unweighting" values for each histogram. In TIS, this is just 1 if there is a non-zero entry in cleaned_df, and 0 otherwise. (NB: it isn't quite clear to me why this is a matrix instead of a vector, but the previous code accounted for a dependence on the bin of the histogram) Parameters ---------- cleaned_df : pandas.DataFrame cleaned input dataframe Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame unweighting values for the input dataframe """ unweighting = cleaned_df.copy().applymap( lambda x: 1.0 if x > 0.0 else 0.0 ) return unweighting def sum_k_Hk_Q(self, cleaned_df): r"""Sum over histograms for each histogram bin. Length is n_bins Called ``sum_hist`` in other codes, or :math:`\sum_k H_k(Q)` in F&S. This is the sum over histograms of values for a given histogram bin. Parameters ---------- cleaned_df : pandas.DataFrame cleaned input dataframe Returns ------- pandas.Series sum over histograms for each bin (length is n_bins) """ return cleaned_df.sum(axis=1) def n_entries(self, cleaned_df): """List of counts of entries per histogram. Length is n_hists The list of counts of entries. In other codes, this is `nt`. In F&S, this is :math:`M_k`. Parameters ---------- cleaned_df : pandas.DataFrame cleaned input dataframe Returns ------- pandas.Series List of counts of entries per histogram (length n_hists) """ return cleaned_df.sum(axis=0) def weighted_counts_tis(self, unweighting, n_entries): """ Product of unweighting and n_entries. In F&S, this is :math:`e^{-\\beta W_k} M_k`. This value appears as part of a sum in the WHAM iteration equation (F&S 2nd edition Eq. 7.3.10). The product can be pre-calculated, which is what we do here. As for this being a matrix (not a vector), see note on :meth:`.unweighting`. Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame weighted counts matrix, size n_hists by n_dims """ weighted_counts = unweighting.apply(lambda s: [x * n_entries[] for x in s]) return weighted_counts def generate_lnZ(self, lnZ, unweighting, weighted_counts, sum_k_Hk_Q, tol=None): r""" Perform the WHAM iteration to estimate ln(Z_i) for each histogram. Parameters ---------- lnZ : pandas.Series, one per histogram (length n_hists) initial guess for ln(Z_i) for each histogram i unweighting : pandas.DataFrame, n_bins by n_hists the unweighting matrix for each histogram point. For TIS, this is 1 if the (cleaned) DF has an entry; 0 otherwise. In F&S, this is :math:`\exp(-\\beta W_i)`. See :meth:`.unweighting`. weighted_counts : pandas.DataFrame, n_bins by n_hists the weighted matrix multiplied by the counts per histogram. See :meth:`.weighted_counts_tis`. sum_k_Hk_Q : pandas.Series, one per bin (length n_bins) Sum over histograms for each histogram bin. See :meth:`.sum_k_Hk_Q`. tol : float convergence tolerance Returns ------- pandas.Series the resulting WHAM calculation for ln(Z_i) for each histogram i """ if tol is None: tol = self.tol diff = self.tol + 1 # always start above the tolerance iteration = 0 hists = weighted_counts.columns # TODO: probably faster if we make wc this a sparse matrix wc = weighted_counts.values unw = unweighting.values lnZ_old = pd.Series(data=lnZ, index=hists) Z_new = pd.Series(index=hists, dtype='float64') sum_k_Hk_byQ = sum_k_Hk_Q.values while diff > tol and iteration < self.max_iter: Z_old = np.exp(lnZ_old) reciprocal_Z_old = (1.0 / Z_old).values for i in range(len(hists)): ############################################################# # this is equation 7.3.10 in F&S # Z_i^{(new)} = # \int \dd{Q} w_{i,Q} # \times \frac{\sum_{j=1}^n H_j(Q)} # {\sum_{k=1}^n w_{k,Q} M_k / Z_k^{(old)}} # where F&S explicitly use w_{i,Q} = e^{-\beta W_i} # # Matching terms from F&S to our variables: # w_i = w_{i,Q} = $e^{-\beta W_i}$ # * this is a column (len == n_bins) from a matrix # size n_hists \times n_bins # * from "unweighting", which is Boltzmann in umbrella # sampling (F&S), but 1 or 0 in TIS # * see unweighting_tis: not entirely clear why this # is a matrix, not an vector length n_hists # sum_k_Hk_byQ = $\sum_{j=1}^n H_j(Q)$ # * this is a function of Q, thus len == n_bins # wc = w_{k,Q} * M_k = $e^{-\beta W_k} M_k$ # * note that this is element-wise multiplication # * matrix, size n_hists \times n_bins # reciprocal_Z_old = $1/Z_k^{(old)}$ # * vector, len == n_hists # # Note that we do all of this with matrix/vector # multiplication, which numpy can do very quickly. ############################################################# w_i = unw[:, i] # numerator: w_{i,Q} * sum_k_Hk_byQ numerator_byQ = np.multiply(w_i, sum_k_Hk_byQ) # denominator: wc * Z^{-1} sum_over_Z_byQ = # divide each entry, and add them (integrate over Q in F&S) # we intentially allow invalid (0/0) to give NaN; gets # removed by using the np.nansum) with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): addends_k = np.divide(numerator_byQ, sum_over_Z_byQ) Z_new[hists[i]] = np.nansum(addends_k) lnZ_new = np.log(Z_new) iteration += 1 diff = self.get_diff(lnZ_old, lnZ_new, iteration) lnZ_old = lnZ_new - lnZ_new.iloc[0]"iterations=" + str(iteration) + " diff=" + str(diff))" lnZ=" + str(lnZ_old)) self.convergence = (iteration, diff) return lnZ_old def get_diff(self, lnZ_old, lnZ_new, iteration): """Calculate the difference for this iteration. Also outputs debug information, if desired. Parameters ---------- lnZ_old : pandas.Series previous value of ln(Z_i) lnZ_new : pandas.Series new value of ln(Z_i) iteration : int iteration number Returns ------- float difference between old and new to use for convergence testing """ # get error diff = 0 diff = sum(abs(lnZ_old - lnZ_new)) # check status (mainly for debugging) if (iteration % self.sample_every == 0): # pragma: no cover logger.debug("niteration = " + str(iteration)) logger.debug(" diff = " + str(diff)) logger.debug(" lnZ = " + str(lnZ_old)) logger.debug("lnZnew = " + str(lnZ_new)) return diff def output_histogram(self, lnZ, sum_k_Hk_Q, weighted_counts): """Recombine the data into a joined histogram Parameters ---------- lnZ : pandas.Series, one per histogram (length n_hists) value of ln(Z_i) for each histogram i sum_k_Hk_Q : pandas.Series, one per bin (length n_bins) Sum over histograms for each histogram bin. See :meth:`.sum_k_Hk_Q`. weighted_counts : pandas.DataFrame, n_bins by n_hists the weighted matrix multiplied by the counts per histogram. See :meth:`.weighted_counts_tis`. Returns ------- pandas.Series the WHAM-reweighted combined histogram, unnormalized """ Z = np.exp(lnZ) Z0_over_Zi = Z.iloc[0] / Z output = pd.Series(index=sum_k_Hk_Q.index, name="WHAM", dtype='float64') for val in sum_k_Hk_Q.index: sum_w_over_Z = sum([ weighted_counts.loc[val, hist_i] * Z0_over_Zi[hist_i] for hist_i in Z.index ]) # explicitly allow NaN results for simplcity (should only occur # when numerator and denominator are 0) ... this will leave NaNs # in the histogram in those locations; if all values of the # total histogram are NaN, that gets caught in the main # wham_bam_histogram routine with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'): output[val] = sum_k_Hk_Q[val] / sum_w_over_Z return output @staticmethod def normalize_cumulative(series): """Normalize to maximum value""" return series/series.max() def guess_lnZ_crossing_probability(self, cleaned_df): """Guess ln(Z_i) based on crossing probabilities Parameters ---------- cleaned_df : pandas.DataFrame cleaned input dataframe representing crossing probabilities Returns ------- pandas.Series initial guess for values of ln(Z_i) for each histogram """ df = cleaned_df.apply(lambda s: s/s.max()) # pandas magic, see first_nonzero = df.apply(lambda s: s[s == 1.0].index[0]) df = df.loc[first_nonzero] guess_nextZ_over_Z = df.apply(lambda s: s.nlargest(2).iloc[1]) guess_Z_data = [1.0] for i in range(len(guess_nextZ_over_Z)-1): guess_Z_data.append(guess_Z_data[-1] * guess_nextZ_over_Z.iloc[i]) guess_lnZ = pd.Series(data=np.log(np.array(guess_Z_data)), index=guess_nextZ_over_Z.index) return guess_lnZ def check_cleaned_overlaps(self, cleaned_df): """ Check that all the histograms have sufficient overlaps. Parameters ---------- cleaned_df : pandas.DataFrame cleaned input dataframe representing crossing probabilities Raises ------ RuntimeError if the input doesn't have enough of an overlap """ for col_idx in range(1, len(cleaned_df.columns)): col = cleaned_df.columns[col_idx] prev_col = cleaned_df.columns[col_idx - 1] col_data = cleaned_df[col] prev_data = cleaned_df[prev_col] first_nonzero = col_data[col_data != 0.0].index[0] if not prev_data[first_nonzero] > 0.0: # use not and > to account for NaNs raise RuntimeError( "Insufficient overlap to combine histograms.\n" + "This is either due to poor sampling or bad " + "interface placement.\n" + "Row: " + str(first_nonzero) + " Column: " + str(col) + "\n" + str(cleaned_df)) def wham_bam_histogram(self, input_df): """ Perform the entire wham process. Parameters ---------- input_df : pandas.DataFrame input dataframe Returns ------- pandas.Series the WHAM-reweighted combined histogram, normalized so max value is 1 """ cleaned = self.prep_reverse_cumulative(input_df) self.check_cleaned_overlaps(cleaned) guess = self.guess_lnZ_crossing_probability(cleaned) sum_k_Hk_Q = self.sum_k_Hk_Q(cleaned) n_entries = self.n_entries(cleaned) unweighting = self.unweighting_tis(cleaned) weighted_counts = self.weighted_counts_tis(unweighting, n_entries) try: lnZ = self.generate_lnZ(guess, unweighting, weighted_counts, sum_k_Hk_Q) except IndexError as e: # pragma: no cover # I don't think this can happen any more, but leave it in case # (Now the check_cleaned_overlaps should catch this problem.) failmsg = "Does your input to WHAM have enough data?" if not e.args: e.args = [failmsg] else: arg0 = e.args[0]+"\n"+failmsg e.args = tuple([arg0] + list(e.args[1:])) raise e hist = self.output_histogram(lnZ, sum_k_Hk_Q, weighted_counts) result = self.normalize_cumulative(hist) self.lnZ = lnZ if sum(pd.isnull(result)) == len(result): # pragma: no cover # last safety check raise RuntimeError("WHAM result is all NaN. Reason unknown.") return result
def parsing(parseargs): # pragma: no cover # TODO: switch to argparse. import optparse parser = optparse.OptionParser() parser.add_option("--tol", type="float", default=1e-12) parser.add_option("--max_iter", type="int", default=1000000) parser.add_option("--cutoff", type="float", default=0.05) parser.add_option("--pstats", type="string", default=None) parser.add_option("--float_format", type="string", default="10.8") opts, args = parser.parse_args(parseargs) return opts, args if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover opts, args = parsing(sys.argv[1:]) wham = WHAM(tol=opts.tol, max_iter=opts.max_iter, cutoff=opts.cutoff) wham.float_format = opts.float_format df = wham.load_files(args) # keep around some stuff to allow us to do benchmarking and profiling if opts.pstats is not None: import cProfile import time start = time.time()"print wham.wham_bam_histogram(df)", opts.pstats) print(time.time() - start) else: wham_hist = wham.wham_bam_histogram(df) print(wham_hist.to_string( header=False, float_format=lambda x: "{:10.8f}".format(x) ))