Source code for

Created on 06.07.2014

@author: JDC Chodera, JH Prinz

import logging
import time

import openpathsampling as paths
from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import NetCDFPlus, WeakLRUCache, ObjectStore, \
    ImmutableDictStore, NamedObjectStore, PseudoAttributeStore

from .stores import SnapshotWrapperStore

import openpathsampling.engines as peng

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
init_log = logging.getLogger('openpathsampling.initialization')

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[docs] class Storage(NetCDFPlus): """ Create a netCDF+ storage for OPS Objects A netCDF4 wrapper to store trajectories based on snapshots of an OpenMM simulation. This allows effective storage of shooting trajectories Parameters ---------- filename : string filename of the netcdf file to be used or created mode : string, default: None the mode of file creation, one of `'w'` (write), `'a'` (append) or None, which will append any existing files. template : :class:`openpathsampling.Snapshot` a Snapshot instance that contains a reference to a Topology, the number of atoms and used units """ @property def _ops_version_(self): version = paths.version.short_version return version USE_FEATURE_SNAPSHOTS = True
[docs] def __init__( self, filename, mode=None, template=None, fallback=None): self._template = template super(Storage, self).__init__( filename, mode, fallback=fallback)
def _create_simplifier(self): super(Storage, self)._create_simplifier() self.simplifier.safemode = False def _create_storages(self): """ Register all Stores used in the OpenPathSampling Storage """ # objects with special storages self.create_store('trajectories', # topologies might be needed fot CVs so put them here self.create_store('topologies', NamedObjectStore(peng.Topology)) snapshotstore = SnapshotWrapperStore() self.create_store('snapshots', snapshotstore) self.create_store('samples', self.create_store('samplesets', self.create_store('movechanges', self.create_store('steps', # normal objects self.create_store('details', ObjectStore(paths.Details)) self.create_store('pathmovers', NamedObjectStore(paths.PathMover)) self.create_store('shootingpointselectors', NamedObjectStore(paths.ShootingPointSelector)) self.create_store('engines', NamedObjectStore(peng.DynamicsEngine)) self.create_store('pathsimulators', self.create_store('transitions', NamedObjectStore(paths.Transition)) self.create_store('networks', NamedObjectStore(paths.TransitionNetwork)) self.create_store('schemes', NamedObjectStore(paths.MoveScheme)) self.create_store('interfacesets', NamedObjectStore(paths.InterfaceSet)) self.create_store('msouters', NamedObjectStore(paths.MSOuterTISInterface)) # stores where nestable could make sense but is disabled self.create_store('volumes', NamedObjectStore(paths.Volume, nestable=True)) self.create_store('ensembles', NamedObjectStore(paths.Ensemble, nestable=True)) # special stores self.create_store('tag', ImmutableDictStore()) @property def tags(self): return self.tag def write_meta(self): self.setncattr('storage_format', 'openpathsampling') self.setncattr('storage_version', paths.version.version) def _initialize(self): # Set global attributes. setattr(self, 'title', 'OpenPathSampling Storage') # backwards compatibility self.cvs = self.attributes self.set_caching_mode() def _restore(self): self.set_caching_mode() if hasattr(self, 'cvs'):'Opening an old version that handles CVs differently. ' 'You cannot extend this file, only read it.') if self.mode != 'r':'Cannot open in append mode. Closing') self.close() raise RuntimeWarning('Closing. Cannot append incompatible ' 'file. You can still open readable.') else: self.cvs = self.attributes def sync_all(self): """ Convenience function to use ``self.cvs`` and ``self`` at once. Under most circumstances, you want to sync ``self.cvs`` and ``self`` at the same time. This just makes it easier to do that. """ self.cvs.sync_all() self.sync() def set_caching_mode(self, mode='default'): r""" Set default values for all caches Parameters ---------- mode : str One of the following values is allowed `default`, `production`, `analysis`, `off`, `lowmemory` and `memtest` """ available_cache_sizes = { 'default': self.default_cache_sizes, 'analysis': self.analysis_cache_sizes, 'production': self.production_cache_sizes, 'off': self.no_cache_sizes, 'lowmemory': self.lowmemory_cache_sizes, 'memtest': self.memtest_cache_sizes, 'unlimited': self.unlimited_cache_sizes } if mode in available_cache_sizes: # We need cache sizes as a function. Otherwise we will reuse the # same caches for each storage and that will cause problems! cache_sizes = available_cache_sizes[mode]() else: raise ValueError( "mode '" + mode + "' is not supported. Try one of " + str(available_cache_sizes.keys()) ) for store_name, caching in cache_sizes.items(): if hasattr(self, store_name): store = getattr(self, store_name) store.set_caching(caching) def check_version(self): super(Storage, self).check_version() try: s1 = self.getncattr('storage_version') except AttributeError: 'Using openpathsampling Pre 1.0 version. ' 'No version detected using 0.0.0' ) s1 = '0.0.0' s2 = self._ops_version_ cp = self._cmp_version(s1, s2) if cp != 0:'Loading different OPS storage version. ' 'Installed version is %s and loaded version is %s' % (s2, s1)) if cp > 0:'Loaded version is newer consider upgrading OPS ' 'conda package!') else:'Loaded version is older. Should be no problem ' 'other then missing features and information') @staticmethod def default_cache_sizes(): """ Cache sizes for standard sessions for medium production and analysis. """ return { 'attributes': True, 'trajectories': WeakLRUCache(10000), 'snapshots': WeakLRUCache(10000), 'statics': WeakLRUCache(10000), 'kinetics': WeakLRUCache(10000), 'samples': WeakLRUCache(25000), 'samplesets': WeakLRUCache(10000), 'cvs': True, 'pathmovers': True, 'shootingpointselectors': True, 'engines': True, 'pathsimulators': True, 'volumes': True, 'ensembles': True, 'movechanges': WeakLRUCache(10000), 'transitions': True, 'networks': True, 'interfacesets': True, 'schemes': True, 'msouters': True, 'details': WeakLRUCache(1000), 'steps': WeakLRUCache(1000), 'topologies': True } @staticmethod def lowmemory_cache_sizes(): """ Cache sizes for very low memory This uses even less caching than production runs. Mostly used for debugging. """ return { 'attributes': True, 'trajectories': WeakLRUCache(1000), 'snapshots': WeakLRUCache(1000), 'statics': WeakLRUCache(10), 'kinetics': WeakLRUCache(10), 'samples': WeakLRUCache(25), 'samplesets': False, 'cvs': True, 'pathmovers': True, 'shootingpointselectors': True, 'engines': True, 'pathsimulators': True, 'volumes': True, 'ensembles': True, 'movechanges': False, 'transitions': True, 'networks': True, 'interfacesets': True, 'schemes': True, 'msouters': True, 'details': False, 'steps': WeakLRUCache(10), 'topologies': True } @staticmethod def memtest_cache_sizes(): """ Cache Sizes for memtest debugging sessions Memtest will cache everything weak to measure if there is some object left in memory that should have been disposed of. """ return { 'attributes': WeakLRUCache(10), 'trajectories': WeakLRUCache(10), 'snapshots': WeakLRUCache(10), 'statics': WeakLRUCache(10), 'kinetics': WeakLRUCache(10), 'samples': WeakLRUCache(10), 'samplesets': WeakLRUCache(10), 'cvs': WeakLRUCache(10), 'pathmovers': WeakLRUCache(10), 'shootingpointselectors': WeakLRUCache(10), 'engines': WeakLRUCache(10), 'pathsimulators': WeakLRUCache(10), 'volumes': WeakLRUCache(10), 'ensembles': WeakLRUCache(10), 'movechanges': WeakLRUCache(10), 'transitions': WeakLRUCache(10), 'networks': WeakLRUCache(10), 'interfacesets': WeakLRUCache(10), 'schemes': WeakLRUCache(10), 'msouters': WeakLRUCache(10), 'details': WeakLRUCache(10), 'steps': WeakLRUCache(10), 'topologies': WeakLRUCache(10) } # @staticmethod def analysis_cache_sizes(): """ Cache Sizes for analysis sessions Analysis caching is very large to allow fast processing """ return { 'attributes': True, 'trajectories': WeakLRUCache(500000), 'snapshots': WeakLRUCache(100000), 'statics': WeakLRUCache(10000), 'kinetics': WeakLRUCache(1000), 'samples': WeakLRUCache(1000000), 'samplesets': WeakLRUCache(200000), 'cvs': True, 'pathmovers': True, 'shootingpointselectors': True, 'engines': True, 'pathsimulators': True, 'volumes': True, 'ensembles': True, 'movechanges': WeakLRUCache(500000), 'transitions': True, 'networks': True, 'interfacesets': True, 'schemes': True, 'msouters': True, 'details': WeakLRUCache(1000), 'steps': True, 'topologies': True } @staticmethod def production_cache_sizes(): """ Cache Sizes for production runs Production. No loading assumed, only last 1000 steps and a few other objects for error testing """ return { 'attributes': True, 'trajectories': WeakLRUCache(1000), 'snapshots': WeakLRUCache(10000), 'statics': WeakLRUCache(1000), 'kinetics': WeakLRUCache(1000), 'samples': WeakLRUCache(10000), 'samplesets': False, 'cvs': False, 'pathmovers': False, 'shootingpointselectors': False, 'engines': False, 'pathsimulators': False, 'volumes': False, 'ensembles': False, 'movechanges': False, 'transitions': False, 'networks': False, 'interfacesets': False, 'schemes': True, 'msouters': False, 'details': False, 'steps': WeakLRUCache(10), 'topologies': True } # No caching (so far only CVs internal storage is there) @staticmethod def no_cache_sizes(): """ Set cache sizes to no caching at all. Notes ----- This is VERY SLOW and only used for debugging. """ return { 'attributes': False, 'trajectories': False, 'snapshots': False, 'statics': False, 'kinetics': False, 'samples': False, 'samplesets': False, 'cvs': False, 'pathmovers': False, 'shootingpointselectors': False, 'engines': False, 'pathsimulators': False, 'volumes': False, 'ensembles': False, 'movechanges': False, 'transitions': False, 'networks': False, 'interfacesets': False, 'schemes': False, 'msouters': False, 'details': False, 'steps': False, 'topologies': False } @staticmethod def unlimited_cache_sizes(): """ Set cache sizes to no caching at all. Notes ----- This is VERY SLOW and only used for debugging. """ return { 'trajectories': True, 'snapshots': True, 'statics': True, 'kinetics': True, 'samples': True, 'samplesets': True, 'cvs': True, 'pathmovers': True, 'shootingpointselectors': True, 'engines': True, 'pathsimulators': True, 'volumes': True, 'ensembles': True, 'movechanges': True, 'transitions': True, 'networks': True, 'interfacesets': True, 'schemes': True, 'msouters': True, 'details': True, 'steps': True, 'topologies': True }
[docs] class AnalysisStorage(Storage): """ Open a storage in read-only and do caching useful for analysis. """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, caching_mode='analysis'): """ Open a storage in read-only and do caching useful for analysis. Parameters ---------- filename : str The filename of the storage to be opened caching_mode : str The caching mode to be used. Default is `analysis` which will cache lots of usually relevant object. If you have a decent size system and lots of memory you might want to try `unlimited` which will not load all objects but keep every object you load. This is fastest but might crash for large storages. """ super(AnalysisStorage, self).__init__( filename=filename, mode='r' ) self.set_caching_mode(caching_mode) # Let's go caching AnalysisStorage.cache_for_analysis(self)
@staticmethod def cache_for_analysis(storage): """ Run specific caching useful for later analysis sessions. Parameters ---------- storage : :class:`` The storage the caching should act upon. """ with AnalysisStorage.CacheTimer('Cached all CVs'): for cv, cv_store in storage.snapshots.attribute_list.items(): if cv_store: cv_store.cache.load_max() stores_to_cache = ['cvs', 'trajectories', 'volumes', 'ensembles', 'samples', 'samplesets', 'pathmovers', 'movechanges', 'steps', ] for store_name in stores_to_cache: store = getattr(storage, store_name) with AnalysisStorage.CacheTimer('Cache all objects', store): store.cache_all() class CacheTimer(object): def __init__(self, context, store=None): = store self.context = context def __enter__(self): self.time = time.time() return def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): dtime = (time.time() - self.time) * 1000 if '%s of store `%s` [%d] in %d ms' % (self.context,, len(, dtime)) else:'%s in %d ms' % (self.context, dtime))