Source code for

import logging
from uuid import UUID

import openpathsampling.engines as peng
from openpathsampling.netcdfplus import ObjectStore, \
    NetCDFPlus, LoaderProxy

from .snapshot_feature import FeatureSnapshotStore
from .snapshot_value import SnapshotValueStore

import sys
if sys.version_info > (3, ):
    unicode = str
    long = int

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
init_log = logging.getLogger('openpathsampling.initialization')

class ReversalHashedList(dict):
    def __init__(self):
        self._list = []

    def append(self, key):
        dict.__setitem__(self, key & ~1, len(self._list) * 2 ^ (key & 1))

    # noinspection PyCallByClass
    def extend(self, t):
        l = len(self._list)
        # t = filter(t, lambda x : x not in self)
            map(lambda x, y: (x & ~1, y * 2 ^ (x & 1)), t, range(l, l + len(t)))
        # map(lambda x, y: dict.__setitem__(self, x & ~1, y * 2 ^ (x & 1)), t,
        #     range(l, l + len(t)))

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self._list) * 2

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        # we will always store the ones with even keys
        dict.__setitem__(self, key & ~1, value ^ (key & 1))
        # we will always store the ones with even value
        self._list[value // 2] = key ^ (value & 1)

    def get(self, key, d=None):
        uu = dict.get(self, key & ~1, d)
        if uu is not None:
            return uu ^ (key & 1)
            return d

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return dict.__getitem__(self, key & ~1) ^ (key & 1)

    def __contains__(self, key):
        return dict.__contains__(self, key & ~1)

    def index(self, key):
        return self._list[key // 2] ^ (key & 1)

    def mark(self, key):
        k = key & ~1
        if k not in self:
            dict.__setitem__(self, k, -2)

    def unmark(self, key):
        k = key & ~1
        if k in self:
            dict.__delitem__(self, k)

    def list(self):
        return self._list

[docs] class SnapshotWrapperStore(ObjectStore): """ A Store to store arbitrary snapshots """
[docs] def __init__(self): super(SnapshotWrapperStore, self).__init__( peng.BaseSnapshot, json=False ) self.type_list = {} self.store_snapshot_list = [] self._store = {} # default way to handle unknown snapshot types is to create # a single store for the first type tried to be stored # if you want to store more than one snapshots you # need to add them manually self._treat_missing_snapshot_type = 'single' # if set to true snapshots will not be stored but merely registered # so CVs will be storable self.only_mention = False
@property def treat_missing_snapshot_type(self): return self._treat_missing_snapshot_type @treat_missing_snapshot_type.setter def treat_missing_snapshot_type(self, value): allowed = ['create', 'ignore', 'fail', 'single'] if value not in allowed: raise ValueError('Only one of %s choices allowed.' % allowed) self._treat_missing_snapshot_type = value def load(self, idx): """ Returns an object from the storage. Parameters ---------- idx : int the integer index of the object to be loaded Returns ------- :py:class:`openpathsampling.netcdfplus.base.StorableObject` the loaded object """ if isinstance(idx, (int, long)): # we want to load by uuid and it was not in cache. if idx < 10000000000: n_idx = idx elif idx in self.index: n_idx = self.index[idx] else: if self.fallback_store is not None: return self.fallback_store.load(idx) elif is not None: return[].load(idx) else: raise ValueError( 'int %s not found in storage or fallback' % idx) elif type(idx) is not int: raise ValueError( ('indices of type "%s" are not allowed in named storage ' '(only str and int)') % type(idx).__name__ ) else: n_idx = int(idx) if n_idx < 0: return None # if it is in the cache, return it try: obj = self.cache[n_idx] logger.debug('Found IDX #' + str(idx) + ' in cache. Not loading!') return obj except KeyError: try: obj = self.cache[n_idx ^ 1].reversed logger.debug('Found IDX #' + str(idx) + ' reversed in cache. Not loading!') return obj except KeyError: pass logger.debug( 'Calling load object of type ' + self.content_class.__name__ + ' and IDX #' + str(idx)) if n_idx >= len(self): logger.warning( 'Trying to load from IDX #' + str(n_idx) + ' > number of object ' + str(len(self))) return None elif n_idx < 0: logger.warning( 'Trying to load negative IDX #' + str(n_idx) + ' < 0. This should never happen!!!') raise RuntimeError( 'Loading of negative int should result in no object. ' 'This should never happen!') else: obj = self._load(n_idx) logger.debug( 'Calling load object of type %s and IDX # %d ... DONE' % (self.content_class.__name__, n_idx)) if obj is not None: self._get_id(n_idx, obj) # self.index[obj.__uuid__] = n_idx self.cache[n_idx] = obj logger.debug( 'Try loading UUID object of type %s and IDX # %d ... DONE' % (self.content_class.__name__, n_idx)) logger.debug( 'Finished load object of type %s and IDX # %d ... DONE' % (self.content_class.__name__, n_idx)) return obj def _load(self, idx): store_idx = int(self.variables['store'][idx // 2]) if store_idx < 0: if self.fallback_store is not None: return self.fallback_store.load(idx) elif is not None: return else: raise KeyError( '%s not found in storage or fallback' % idx) else: store = self.store_snapshot_list[store_idx] snap = store[int(idx)] return snap def __len__(self): return len([self.prefix]) * 2 def initialize(self): super(SnapshotWrapperStore, self).initialize() self.create_variable('store', 'index')'snapshottype') 'snapshottype', 'obj.stores', 'snapshottype') def free(self): idx = len(self) while idx in self._free: idx += 2 return idx def add_type(self, descriptor): if isinstance(descriptor, peng.BaseSnapshot): template = descriptor descriptor = descriptor.engine.descriptor else: template = None if descriptor in self.type_list: return self.type_list[descriptor] store = FeatureSnapshotStore(descriptor) store_idx = int(len(['snapshottype'])) store_name = 'snapshot' + str(store_idx), store, False) # this will tell the store to add its own prefix for dimension names store.set_dimension_prefix_store(store) = store_name self.type_list[descriptor] = (store, store_idx) self.store_snapshot_list.append(store)['snapshottype'][store_idx] = store if template: return store, store_idx @staticmethod def _snapshot_store_name(idx): return 'snapshot' + str(idx) @staticmethod def to_descriptor(cls, dims): description = {} description.update(dims) description['class'] = cls return description def restore(self): super(SnapshotWrapperStore, self).restore() for idx, store in enumerate(['snapshottype']): self.type_list[store.descriptor] = (store, idx) self.store_snapshot_list.append(store) def mention(self, snapshot): """ Save a shallow copy Parameters ---------- snapshot : `openpathsampling.engines.BaseSnapshot` the snapshot to be shallow stored Returns ------- int or `UUID` the reference to find the shallow! object """ current_mention = self.only_mention self.only_mention = True ref = self.only_mention = current_mention return ref def save(self, obj, idx=None): n_idx = self.index.get(obj.__uuid__) if n_idx is not None: # snapshot is mentioned store_idx = int(self.variables['store'][n_idx // 2]) if not store_idx == -1: # and stored return self.reference(obj) if self.only_mention: if n_idx is None: n_idx = len(self.index) # only mention but not really store snapshots self.vars['store'][n_idx // 2] = -1 self.index.append(obj.__uuid__) self._auto_complete_single_snapshot(obj, n_idx) self._set_id(n_idx, obj) return self.reference(obj) if not isinstance(obj, self.content_class): raise ValueError( ('This store can only store object of base type "%s". ' 'Given obj is of type "%s". You' 'might need to use another store.') % (self.content_class, obj.__class__.__name__) ) if isinstance(obj, LoaderProxy): if obj._store is self: # is a proxy of a saved object so do nothing return obj.__uuid__ else: # it is stored but not in this store so we try storing the # full attribute which might be still in cache or memory # if that is not the case it will be stored again. This can # happen when you load from one store save to another. And load # again after some time while the cache has been changed and try # to save again the loaded object. We will not explicitly store # a table that matches objects between different storages. return if n_idx is None: n_idx = len(self.index) self._save(obj, n_idx) self._auto_complete_single_snapshot(obj, n_idx) self._set_id(n_idx, obj) else: store, store_idx = self.type_list[obj.engine.descriptor] self.vars['store'][n_idx // 2] = store_idx store[n_idx] = obj self.cache[n_idx] = obj return self.reference(obj) def _save(self, obj, n_idx): try: store, store_idx = self.type_list[obj.engine.descriptor] self.vars['store'][n_idx // 2] = store_idx self.index.append(obj.__uuid__) store[n_idx] = obj return store except KeyError: # there is no store yet to handle the given type of snapshot mode = self.treat_missing_snapshot_type if mode == 'create' or \ (mode == 'single' and len(['snapshottype']) == 0): # we just create space for it store, store_idx = self.add_type(obj.engine.descriptor) self.vars['store'][n_idx // 2] = store_idx self.index.append(obj.__uuid__) store[n_idx] = obj return store elif self.treat_missing_snapshot_type == 'ignore': # we keep silent about it self.vars['store'][n_idx // 2] = -1 return None else: # we fail with cannot store raise RuntimeError( ( 'The store cannot hold snapshots of the given type : ' 'class "%s" and dimensions %s. Try adding the ' 'snapshot type using .add_type(snapshot).' ) % ( obj.__class__.__name__, obj.engine.descriptor.dimensions ) ) def _auto_complete_single_snapshot(self, obj, pos): for cv, cv_store in self.attribute_list.items(): if not cv_store.allow_incomplete: value = cv._cache_dict._get(obj) if value is None: # not in cache so compute it if possible if cv._eval_dict: value = cv._eval_dict([obj])[0] if value is not None: if cv_store.allow_incomplete: cv_store[obj] = value else: if cv_store.time_reversible: n_idx = pos // 2 else: n_idx = pos cv_store.vars['value'][n_idx] = value cv_store.cache[n_idx] = value def complete_cv(self, cv): """ Compute all missing values of a CV and store them Parameters ---------- cv : :obj:`openpathsampling.CollectiveVariable` """ if cv not in self.attribute_list: return cv_store = self.attribute_list[cv] if cv_store.allow_incomplete: # for complete this does not make sense # TODO: Make better looping over this to not have # to load all the indices at once # can be problematic for 10M+ stored snapshots indices = self.vars['uuid'][:] for pos, idx in enumerate(indices): if not cv_store.time_reversible: pos *= 2 proxy = None if pos not in cv_store.index: # this value is not stored to go ahead proxy =[idx] # get from cache first, this is fastest value = cv._cache_dict._get(proxy) if value is None: # not in cache so compute it if possible if cv._eval_dict: value = cv._eval_dict([proxy])[0] else: value = None if value is not None: n_idx = cv_store.vars['value'][n_idx] = value cv_store.vars['index'][n_idx] = pos cv_store.index[pos] = n_idx cv_store.cache[n_idx] = value if not cv_store.time_reversible: pos += 1 if pos not in cv_store.index: if proxy is None: proxy =[idx] if proxy._reversed is not None: proxy = proxy._reversed else: proxy = proxy.reversed # get from cache first, this is fastest value = cv._cache_dict._get(proxy) if value is None: # not in cache so compute it if possible if cv._eval_dict: value = cv._eval_dict([proxy])[0] else: value = None if value is not None: n_idx = cv_store.vars['value'][n_idx] = value cv_store.vars['index'][n_idx] = pos cv_store.index[pos] = n_idx cv_store.cache[n_idx] = value def sync_cv(self, cv): """ Store all cached values of a CV in the diskcache Parameters ---------- cv : :obj:`openpathsampling.CollectiveVariable` """ if cv not in self.attribute_list: return cv_store = self.attribute_list[cv] # for complete this does not make sense if cv_store.allow_incomplete: # loop all objects in the fast CV cache for obj, value in cv._cache_dict.cache.items(): if value is not None: pos = self.index.get(obj.__uuid__) # if the snapshot is not saved, nothing we can do if pos is None: continue if cv_store.time_reversible: pos //= 2 if pos in cv_store.index: # this value is stored so skip it continue n_idx = cv_store.vars['value'][n_idx] = value cv_store.vars['index'][n_idx] = pos cv_store.index[pos] = n_idx cv_store.cache[n_idx] = value @staticmethod def _get_cv_name(cv_idx): return 'cv' + str(cv_idx) def add_attribute( self, store_cls, attribute, template, allow_incomplete=None, chunksize=None): self.add_cv(attribute, template, allow_incomplete, chunksize) # todo: this can be reduced to almost the function in super def add_cv(self, cv, template, allow_incomplete=None, chunksize=None): """ Parameters ---------- cv : :obj:`openpathsampling.CollectiveVariable` template : :obj:`openpathsampling.engines.BaseSnapshot` chunksize : int allow_incomplete : bool Returns ------- :obj:`openpathsampling.netcdfplus.ObjectStore` int """ if cv in self.attribute_list: return self.attribute_list[cv] if allow_incomplete is None: allow_incomplete = cv.diskcache_allow_incomplete if chunksize is None: chunksize = cv.diskcache_chunksize if template is None: template = cv.diskcache_template time_reversible = cv.cv_time_reversible if not time_reversible: # in the rare case of not time_reversible we use store partial allow_incomplete = True if not allow_incomplete: # in complete mode we force chunk size one to match it to snapshots chunksize = self.default_store_chunk_size # determine value type and shape params = NetCDFPlus.get_value_parameters(cv(template)) shape = params['dimensions'] if shape is None: chunksizes = None else: chunksizes = tuple(params['dimensions']) cv_idx =[cv.__uuid__] store = SnapshotValueStore( time_reversible=time_reversible, allow_incomplete=allow_incomplete, chunksize=chunksize ) store_name = SnapshotWrapperStore._get_cv_name(cv_idx), store, False) if store.allow_incomplete: # we are not using the .initialize function here since we # only have one variable and only here know its shape, 0) if shape is not None: shape = tuple(list(shape)) chunksizes = tuple([chunksize] + list(chunksizes)) else: shape = tuple() chunksizes = tuple([chunksize]) # create the variable store.create_variable( 'value', var_type=params['var_type'], dimensions=shape, chunksizes=chunksizes, simtk_unit=params['simtk_unit'], ) store.create_variable('index', 'index') else: chunksize = self.default_store_chunk_size # todo: Remove once netcdf4/python bug in Unidata/netcdf4-python#566 has # been resolved. It seems that so far, after data has been written to a # dimension you have to use chunksize 1 for any new variables in that # dimension Even if the other variables all share the same chunksize chunksize = 1 if shape is not None: shape = tuple(['snapshots'] + list(shape)) chunksizes = tuple([chunksize] + list(chunksizes)) else: shape = tuple(['snapshots']) chunksizes = tuple([chunksize]) # create the variable store_name + '_value', var_type=params['var_type'], dimensions=shape, chunksizes=chunksizes, simtk_unit=params['simtk_unit'], ) setattr(store, 'value',[store_name + '_value']) store.initialize() self.attribute_list[cv] = store attribute_idx =[cv.__uuid__]['cache'][attribute_idx] = store # use the cache and function of the CV to fill the store when it is made if not allow_incomplete: indices = self.vars['uuid'][:] for pos, idx in enumerate(indices): proxy =, idx) value = cv._cache_dict._get(proxy) if value is None: # not in cache so compute it if possible if cv._eval_dict: value = cv._eval_dict([proxy])[0] else: value = None if value is not None: store.vars['value'][pos] = value store.cache[pos] = value cv.set_cache_store(store) return store def create_uuid_index(self): return ReversalHashedList() def _get_id(self, idx, obj): uuid = self.index.index(int(idx)) obj.__uuid__ = uuid if obj._reversed: obj._reversed.__uuid__ = uuid ^ 1 def _set_id(self, idx, obj): self.vars['uuid'][idx // 2] = obj.__uuid__ def idx(self, obj): """ Return the index in this store for a given object Parameters ---------- obj : :py:class:`openpathsampling.engines.Snapshot` the object that can be stored in this store for which its index is to be returned Returns ------- int or None The integer index of the given object or None if it is not stored yet """ try: return self.index[obj.__uuid__] except KeyError: try: return self.index[obj._reversed.__uuid__] ^ 1 except KeyError: raise KeyError(obj) def all(self): return peng.Trajectory(map(self.proxy, self.index.list))
# # todo: this will not catch a non found item as the super function does! # def __getitem__(self, item): # """ # Enable numpy style selection of object in the store # """ # if type(item) is int: # if item < 0: # item += len(self) # return self.load(item) # elif type(item) is str or type(item) is long: # return self.load(item) # elif type(item) is slice: # return [self.load(idx) # for idx in range(*item.indices(len(self)))] # elif type(item) is list: # return [self.load(idx) for idx in item] # elif item is Ellipsis: # return iter(self)