Shooting Point Selectors

Shooting point selectors determine how a a shooting move selects the shooting point. Custom versions are frequently used to focus the shooting effort in particular regions of phase space, such as near barriers or near interface boundaries. The following types are available:


Uniform shooting point selection probability: all frames have equal probability (endpoints excluded).

  • type - type identifier; must exactly match the string uniform (required)

  • name (string) - name this object in order to reuse it


Bias shooting point selection based on a Gaussian. That is, for a configuration \(x\), the probability of selecting that configruation is proportional to \(\exp(-(\lambda(x)-\bar{\lambda})^2 / (2\sigma^2))\), where \(\lambda\) is the given CV, \(\bar{\lambda}\) is the mean, and \(\sigma\) is the standard deviation.

  • type - type identifier; must exactly match the string gaussian (required)

  • name (string) - name this object in order to reuse it

  • cv (cv) - bias as a Gaussian in this CV (required)

  • mean (EvalFloat) - mean of the Gaussian (required)

  • stddev (EvalFloat) - standard deviation of the Gaussian (required)